[Mailman-Developers] Replybot change proposed
Barry A. Warsaw
Tue, 21 May 2002 22:10:27 -0400
>>>>> "CVR" == Chuq Von Rospach <chuqui@plaidworks.com> writes:
>> Note this also tells me that we should be setting "Precedence:
>> list" in our outgoing messages instead of "Precedence: bulk".
>> Any objections?
CVR> I would send out list messages Precedence: list, admin
CVR> messages as bulk.
Okay, I'm with you there.
CVR> If the password reminder is hooked up to the bounce
CVR> processor, send it out first class, otherwise send it out
CVR> bulk. (why? Because some sites don't send bounces to
CVR> list/bulk mail, so the only way to do bounce hacking on those
CVR> is to send a first class message, and the password message is
CVR> perfect, if we do site-wide bounce processing on it...)
That's a little surprising. The sendmail docs you quoted say:
[...] Numbers less than zero have the special property that if
an error occurs during pro- cessing the body of the message will
not be returned; this is expected to be used for "bulk" mail
such as through mailing lists.
which tells me that Precedence: bulk still gets a bounce returned, but
the body of the original message won't be included. That's fine,
since we don't need the body to process the bounce. Maybe you're
describing the behavior of other MTAs?
I'm inclined to send password reminders out as "Precedence: bulk",
although I /think/ it wouldn't be hard to do whatever we wanted here.