[Mailman-Developers] Re: output/input charset (was Re: encoding the subject line..)

Barry A. Warsaw barry@python.org
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 11:22:24 -0400

>>>>> "TK" == Tokio Kikuchi <tkikuchi@is.kochi-u.ac.jp> writes:

    TK> Sorry for confusing the discussion on the subject line matter.
    TK> While I was examing the CookHeaders.py myself, I noticed a
    TK> possible error in the charset determination.

I noticed this too and fixed it in CookHeaders.py 2.27.  Do a cvs
update. :)

    TK> Explanation: There is one language where output_charset and
    TK> input_charset differ; Japanese. In the web interface and
    TK> internal processing, 'euc-jp' is used while in the mail,
    TK> 'iso-2022-jp'. The prefix encoding is 'euc-jp' because it was
    TK> input from web interface, and not 'iso-2022-jp', thus coding
    TK> to unicode with output_charset will result in 'funnier'
    TK> character. The charset.input_charset may be replaced with
    TK> `charset` but I'm not sure.  There was a similar error in
    TK> email/Header.py, also. Please check.

Yes, Ben did a good job of explaining this to me and I think we got it
right in Header.py for the email 2.4.3 release.  I noticed the same
issue when I was reviewing CookHeaders.py.
