[Mailman-Developers] Bounce with verp on not recognized

Barry A. Warsaw barry@python.org
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 19:53:35 -0400

>>>>> "SB" == Stonewall Ballard <stoney@sb.org> writes:

    SB> Should I have expected that welcome messages would contain
    SB> verp'd reply-to's or is this likely to be a misconfiguration
    SB> somewhere on my part?

Until now, no.  But I think it makes sense to verp welcome messages
(and unsubscribe acks, and password reminders) if
VERP_PERSONALIZED_DELIVERIES is turned on.  I'll make this so.

    SB> BTW, this is a _wonderful_ feature.

VERP really moves the goal line for bounce detection, albeit at the
cost of some extra processing and bandwidth.
