[Mailman-Developers] feature request: new option for reply_goes_to_list

Barry A. Warsaw barry@python.org
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 17:19:24 -0400

>>>>> "SP" == Simone Piunno <pioppo@ferrara.linux.it> writes:

    SP> The problem is that sometimes a non-subscriber sends a
    SP> question to the list and subscribers think he is also a
    SP> subscriber and do not CC him.  I think it would be nice to use
    SP> the multi-valued reply-to this way:

Reply-to munging is such a lose that I'm loath to pile more crud onto
it.  The more we do this, the harder it gets to explain or understand
how it all hangs together.

I'm not sure it's worth trying to solve the problem you describe.  If
a non-member posts to a list and doesn't get cc'd I'm inclined to call
it pilot error rather than have the listserver try to some how defend
against it.

>>>>> "MM" == Marc MERLIN <marc_news@merlins.org> writes:

    MM> Now that I think of it, it wouldn't be too hard for mailman
    MM> when it sends the list copy out to (optionally) remove from Cc
    MM> all the Emails from members that have the nodupes option set.
    MM> That way, the Cc would be left only with Emails that aren't
    MM> subscribed to the list.

Hmm, that's an interesting idea.  Of course, those Cc's will still be
contained in the direct copy the recipient will get.  Does it matter
that the (noduped) cc'd member will get a message with a different
recipient list than what the rest of the list membership gets?

I'll put this on the todo list.