[Mailman-Developers] blankety-blank AOL bounces (not accepting mail from...)

Jeff Hahn jeffh at gryphongardens.com
Thu Apr 10 13:26:56 EDT 2003

Mailman 2.1.1

Apparently AOL has a "feature" that you can use to bounce email from certain
senders.  See example below.  Aoluser123 (email address aoluser123 at aol.com)
is not accepting mail from jkl at gryphongardens.com who has posted to list
abc at gryphongardens.com in this example.

On verped deliveries, this bounce is counted as a bounce for
aoluser123 at aol.com

On non-verped deliveries, this bounce is returned to list-owner as

While I like the idea of having the aol user bounce off, it's probably not
the correct answer.  Probably all of these bounces (verped and non-verped)
should be silently discarded.

I guess this is a feature request/bug report.

Thanks for a great product!


example bounce------------------------------------------------------------

Received: from omr-d07.mx.aol.com ([]) by
abc.gryphongardens.com with esmtp (Exim 3.36 #1 (Debian)) id
193ep8-0006yg-00 for <abc-bounces at gryphongardens.com>; Thu, 10 Apr 2003
11:22:50 -0500
Received: from  air-xb01.mail.aol.com (air-xb01.mail.aol.com
[])by omr-d07.mx.aol.com (v90_r2.6) with ESMTP id
RELAYIN9-0410122200; Thu, 10 Apr 2003 12:22:00 -0500
from: Mail Delivery Subsystem <MAILER-DAEMON at aol.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 12:17:56 EDT
To: <abc-bounces at gryphongardens.com>
Subject: Mail Delivery Problem
Mailer: AIRmail [v92.17]
Message-ID: <200304101222.09MwPKKa18178 at omr-d07.mx.aol.com>

Your mail to the following recipients could not be delivered because they
are not accepting mail from jkl at gryphongardens.com:

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