[Mailman-Developers] Reply-To munging: stop the madness

Marc MERLIN marc_news at merlins.org
Tue Apr 22 08:00:33 EDT 2003

On Tue, Apr 22, 2003 at 08:35:59AM -0400, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-04-22 at 01:34, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> > But then again, this was a year ago, and even if some patch ever makes
> > it in, it will be years before the next stable mailman comes out, admins
> > upgrade to it, and this problem eventually goes away :(
> Gawd, I hope not, but since I'm not actually paid to work on Mailman any
> more, who knows?
Note, I didn't mean to imply that it'd take you years to get 2.3 out the
door, but that + people upgrading probably will.
Most people still run mailman 2.0
> I do feel bad that Marc's hard work never made it in, and I've

Sorry, that wasn't meant as a slam, I know you spent time looking at this
and you tried to put it in. I was more trying to explain that it's a sore
point for me and I was not really looking forward to working on it again
(before someone asked me to update the patch for mm 2.1)

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