[Mailman-Developers] AOL 9.0 categorizing mailman verification messages as SPAM

Simone Piunno pioppo at ferrara.linux.it
Sat Dec 20 09:03:04 EST 2003

On Monday 15 December 2003 21:51, Ken Stillson wrote:

>   The fellow mentioned that long random-looking alpha-numeric strings in
> the subject line are one of the things that triggers their filter.
>   Are folks here aware of this issue?  AOL suggested moving the
> verification "cookie" from the subject line to the contents of the message
>   Realizing that mailman can't be specialized to meet every quirk of every
>   ISP;  but AOL isn't just any ISP, for me anyway, some 80% of my
>   subscription requests for my several dozen lists come from there.
>   Any thoughts?  Thanks!

Here in Italy, AOL it's not just any ISP: I guess 95% of italians don't even 
know that AOL exists or what it is at all.  The remaining 5% probably knows 
AOL because they received spam apparently from an AOL email address ;)  
I can imagine the same holds true almost everywhere outside USA.

I'm against any change to mainstream Mailman screwing up almost all users in 
the world just to workaround problems of one ISP that, even if predominant in 
the USA, still represents a small portion of those users.

But hey, this is free software and you don't have to accept my opinion or 
Barry's or anyone else: the license gives you the freedom to patch your copy 
and implement this workaround on your servers!


Adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit -- Ovidio

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