[Mailman-Developers] Fwd: Bounce action notification

Chuq Von Rospach chuqui at plaidworks.com
Tue Feb 25 16:03:10 EST 2003

On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 03:40  PM, Dan Mick wrote:

> Chuq Von Rospach wrote:
>> you go tell hotmail to fix itself, Barry.
> ...or tell your users to drop that piece of crap.
> yes yes, I know, millions on the Internet, elitist attitude, yadda 
> yadda.

nah, it's even simpler: if I take a "me or him" attitude, chances are, 
they'll choose "him". Not a fight I want to take (I'm already having 
too much fun with AOL, as my blog will show. sigh. grump. I have better 
things to do), and not a fight I feel I can win.

hotmail is a 500 pound gorilla. I leave tilting at windmills to the 
youngsters out there, and prefer quiet co-existance.

>> Seems to me, since it's fairly easy to parse the "this is a warning 
>> message" stuff, we ought to.
> It is?
> I've seen a *lot* of those sorts of messages.  Every two-bit MTA admin 
> in the world seems to want to customize his own.

In the bounce system I've been writing, I'm up to about 99.46% 
resolution, including throwing out of soft bounces like this (having 
recently whacked 3 million or so bounces down to 20,000, I think I've 
got a pretty good test sample, too). and half of what I can't process 
are @$#@%W%% first class bombosities.

so yes, it's fairly easy. I doubt mailman can get QUITE to the level of 
processing I am, because I'm able to do some stuff you might not be 
able to get away with, but the answer to the general question is "i've 
already done it".

Chuq Von Rospach, Architech
chuqui at plaidworks.com -- http://www.plaidworks.com/chuqui/blog/

He doesn't have ulcers, but he's a carrier.

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