[Mailman-Developers] Mailman 2.1.2 - Logging error messages during start and stop

Oliver Egginger Oliver.Egginger at dvz.fh-giessen.de
Fri May 16 08:44:52 EDT 2003


I run Mailman 2.1.2.
I can create lists, subscribe / unsubscribe and send messages to my
Also everything else (which I have tested) seems to work fine.

But in verbose mode I receive during the startup (mailmanctl start)
and during a mailmanctl stop messages like the following: 

# clear __builtin__._
Logging error: <StampedLogger to '/home/mailman/logs/error'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/Logging/MultiLogger.py", line 43, in write
  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/Logging/StampedLogger.py", line 73, in
    Logger.write(self, "%s %s" % (prefix, msg))
  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/Logging/Logger.py", line 88, in write
    msg = unicode(msg, self.__encoding)
SystemError: codec module not properly initialized
Original log message:
# clear __builtin__._

Only the lines 43, 73 and 88 of MultiLogger.py are affected,
nothing else.
Augur this "Loggin errors" something bad?
The loggin seems to work well anyway.

I receive this messages only in verbose mode.
There are no straying entries in /home/mailman/locks.

I wondering, if I should bring this mailman installation into

- oliver

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