[Mailman-Developers] semantic error in mailmanctlline255(Mailman 2.1.2)

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon May 19 20:16:46 EDT 2003

On Mon, 2003-05-19 at 03:24, Oliver Egginger wrote:
> > What does the following give you:
> ~$ python
> Python 2.2.2 (#2, Feb  5 2003, 10:40:08)
> [GCC 3.2.1 (Mandrake Linux 9.1 3.2.1-5mdk)] on linux-i386
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import sys
> >>> sys.getdefaultencoding()
> 'ascii'
> Much the same thing.
> Compared with your output, I would say.
> Could these error messages somehow or other have serious consequences?

What does

>>> unicode('foo', 'ascii')

give you?

If you get the same SystemError, then there's something screwy with your
Python installation.  If not, then double check that when you applied
the mailmanctl patch, you are really using it.  This means, stop the
original mailmanctl, re-run configure (or config.status), re-install and
then re-start mailmanctl.


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