[Mailman-Developers] Sorry, because of the noise today.

Oliver Egginger Oliver.Egginger at dvz.fh-giessen.de
Thu May 22 19:53:34 EDT 2003


my last message gets send again and again.
This was the guiltiness of a diabolic mail hub from
the Scientific University of Giessen (JLU).

We now by-pass our mail traffic by sending it directly 
(via dns lookup) to the corresponding mail servers.

Sorry again.

- oliver

Oliver Egginger <Oliver.Egginger at dvz.fh-giessen.de>
Giessen-Friedberg University of Applied Sciences 
Wiesenstrasse 14
35390 Giessen
Tel. +49 641 309-1283
Fax  +49 641 309-1288

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