[Mailman-Developers] Patch for easy spam forwarding.

Chris Cogdon chris at cogdon.org
Thu Aug 12 02:12:49 CEST 2004

Hey folks!

I've been using mailman for some time. One process I do is to forward 
all spam that has been held by the list to Spamcop. This involves 
hitting 'discard', the 'forward' option, plus pasting a email address 
into the following input box. fairly easy, but gets REAL old after a 

So, I've modified Mailman to include a new processing option called 
'Spam', which will discard the mail, plus forward it to a configurable 
mail handler (be it spamcop or anything else). This is independent of 
the existing forwarding options, too. If the address is left empty, the 
'Spam' option doesn't appear.

I'm very happy to deliver the patch file for this, if folk want it, or 
even want to include it in the project.

One thing I've not handled yet is the i18n. The 'po' file format is 
easy enough to figure out, but... adding in new strings to a file seems 
to require renumbering all the later existing strings, and repeating 
that for every single language, which seems awfully awkward. Is there 
an 'easy' way to handle making such modifications ?

Thank you for your consideration!

    ("`-/")_.-'"``-._        Chris Cogdon <chris at cogdon.org>
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