[Mailman-Developers] SQL in MM3 issues

Bryan Carbonnell carbonnb at sympatico.ca
Thu Feb 5 23:07:16 EST 2004

On 5 Feb 2004 at 23:08, Kevin McCann wrote:

> I want to do this same kind of thing with Mailman 3. And so I want, at
> the very least, to have those three aforementioned tables of data:
> lists
> members
> messages
> Can anyone think of any reason why we would not want to have these
> three tables in a SQL-enabled Mailman 3. What other tables might you
> want to see? Or fields that might not be found in the above three
> tables? May I suggest that you be creative, think ahead, and don't
> restrict yourself by notions of what an MLM is in the here-and-now. If
> we can first agree on tables, maybe we can move forward and work on
> the core field sets for each one. And this will in turn give us
> something to chew on at the sprint. Barry does this approach make
> sense?

Funny you should mention this Kevin. :)

I am a new Mailman admin and I was thinking about hacking something 
together to put my lists archives in a DB (MySQL more than likely).

My first question to you is how normalized do you want to get? The 
archives, my gut is telling me that the message should be split over 
several tables. I'm just not sure how at the moment.

I haven't really started planning anything, just rolling ideas around 
to myself., reading RFCs, Python Tutorials and the like.

Bryan Carbonnell - carbonnb at sympatico.ca
I've learned....
That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow 
he may have to eat them.

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