[Mailman-Developers] PLEASE HELP!!!!! need to customize subject line in new subscribers welcome message! in english (en?)

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at skynet.be
Tue Jan 27 14:06:38 EST 2004

At 1:36 PM -0500 2004/01/27, Craig Elkins wrote:

>  i can't find the mailman.po english (US) version - i would assume the
>  directory would be called "en" and it would be in messages - but I
>  don't see it.  please tell me what i am missing here - my client is
>  about to shoot me!!!!!!!!

	The templates are in ~mailman/templates, and there is an en/ 
subdirectory under that (among all the other languages known).  If 
you want to make changes to the templates used for a supported 
language for a particular list, you need to copy the appropriate 
templates to a subdirectory by the same name under 
~mailman/lists/listname (e.g., ~mailman/lists/listname/en), and then 
make changes from there.

	If you're looking for a particular file (e.g., mailman.po), you 
can always do a "find ~mailman -name mailman.po -print", which on my 
system prints the following:

% find . -name mailman.po -print
find: ./archives/private: Permission denied

	Note that there is no .../en/.../mailman.po file, which is a 
compiled binary python executable (so far as I can tell).  This is 
not a file that should be edited.  Try editing the templates instead.

>                             also, after i change the message what
>  else to i need to do?

	I'm not sure, but you may need to stop and restart mailman.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at skynet.be>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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