[Mailman-Developers] message IDs

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at skynet.be
Fri Jan 30 14:11:23 EST 2004

At 4:07 PM +0100 2004/01/30, Dietmar Maurer wrote:

>  is it possible to tell mailman to change the message ID of a mail,
>  so that the original mail and the mails delivered to the members
>  have different IDs?

	Sure.  You can hack the source code to do whatever you want.

	Short of hacking the source code, this is not possible.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at skynet.be>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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tv+(+++) b+(++++) DI+(++++) D+(++) G+(++++) e++>++++ h--- r---(+++)* z(+++)

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