[Mailman-Developers] Mailman/PostgreSQL

Robby Russell rrussell at commandprompt.com
Thu Jan 22 15:12:56 EST 2004

I am considering starting a new python program that would work very 
similar to mailman but involve a PostgreSQL back end. I haven't looked 
too far into the mailman code to determine just how much data it is 
currently storing, so I am not sure if an abstraction layer to pgsql is 
the best solution for what I am aiming to do.

My goal is to create an application that works very similar to mailman 
with a database back end and contains reporting. At the moment, I am not 
sure whether or not mailman has any reporting features that would 
generate pretty pages with graphs, stats, etc.

Is there a reporting feature for mailman that someone has built already? 
I want statistics of who posts the most on a list, how many people 
subscribed between dates, by month, year, how many people unsub'd during 
any specific period. (perhaps people unsub'd during a heated thread... 
i'd like to track that sort of information).

So, as Mailman developers, do you see an 'easier' route using the 
existing infrastructure to handle this sort of reporting with a db 
backend? or should I start from scratch and use some of mailmans 
technology in the process?

Anyone interested in assisting me in such a project? are there any 
projects that some of you may be aware that already exist that work like 



# Robby Russell,  |  Sr. Administrator / Lead Programmer
# Command Prompt, Inc.   |  http://www.commandprompt.com
# rrussell at commandprompt.com | Telephone: (503) 667.4564

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