[Mailman-Developers] Where to start Implement this?

Martin Häcker mhaecker at mac.com
Sun May 9 14:28:08 EDT 2004

>>  I'm a bit confused by the vocabulary used by Jim Tittsler. What he
>>  said sounded like not every mail (to a user) is processed on its own
>>  but instead many of them are built and send as one mail?
>	That's correct.  That's how mailing lists usually work.  They 
>take one input message, potentially add things like headers and 
>footers, then send that back out to the list recipients -- tens, or 
>hundreds, or thousands of addresses.
>	They typically group as many recipients together as they can, 
>so that they send one copy of the message, addressed to multiple 

Now this sounds logical from a performance point of view.

Hm, I tried to find some design documention/overview on the list.org 
site, but I couldn't find anything, could somebody give me a hint 
about this?

Thanks again,
cu Martin
[ot]coder - hehe

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