[Mailman-Developers] Patch for Mail Archive mirroring
Tobias Eigen
tobias at kabissa.org
Sat Apr 30 20:33:39 CEST 2005
>> - New third party archiving option that uses The Mail Archive. The
>> implementation subscribes or unsubscribes the
>> archive at mail-archive.com address from the subscriber list.
I find this whole discussion fascinating. I've been thinking about
these types of possibilities for a while, and have been watching gmane
and mail-archive off and on for inspiration for what Kabissa might do.
Archiving is getting to be a big 'problem' at Kabissa currently, esp as
our archives get older and bigger, and we desire to move to a more
interactive and useful format for archiving discussions and making them
more accessible via the web, i.e. in forums. Maybe the short-term
answer is to encourage the listowners of our very busy lists to move
their archives to mail-archive or gmane.
In my view, this sort of functionality belongs at the other end - the
site that wants to provide the archiving service. Over the years I've
been toying with the idea of developing a tool hosted at Kabissa that
would enable our members (organizations working in Africa) to submit
lists that they want to archive and make accessible via Kabissa... both
lists hosted on Kabissa's own mailman and those hosted elsewhere. This
would be beneficial because the list may not be well archived elsewhere
(chronic problem with pipermail archives), may otherwise only be
archived at Yahoogroups (advertising driven and not easy to export
archive to move it later - also don't include attachments), or may not
be archived at all. Part of the process of submitting the list for
archiving on Kabissa (providing name, description, home page, subscribe
instructions etc) would optionally include subscribing an email address
at Kabissa to the list itself.
The described patch to Mailman is very interesting, though, and I'm
glad it's been done. I haven't tried the patch, but from what I'm
hearing the issue of it appearing to endorse one or other archives can
be dealt with by making the feature customizable - i.e. have a control
line where mailman admins can configure whatever external archiver they
want, with completely configurable fields: the name/description of the
archiver and the email address to automatically add. The mail-archive
and gmane options would be included as examples but commented out.
Without opening a can of worms, hopefully, let me close with one last
thought. I realize this has probably been discussed ad nauseum in other
places, but there's a bit of a flaw in all this. Email addresses can be
faked, and so an archiver based on email is going to be fraught with
problems - or at least a whole lot of spam on the archives once the
spammers figure out how it works. On our own system, we use Mailman's
own archiver subsystem for gatewaying messages to our Fud Forum
(http://www.fudforum.org). Another way I've tried successfully is
through the use of an email address made up of random characters that
gets delivered to Fud. That works fine, and since the list is on
Kabissa (managed by me) and the Fud is on Kabissa, the likelihood of
spammers getting in by spoofing addresses is pretty low.
Anyway, contact me off list if you want to discuss this further, esp if
you can point me to resources/threads where this issue is dealt with to
your satisfaction - it will help me to convince developers of various
forums that it's worth opening the door to e-mail list/forum
gatewaying. Here's a classic example of a thread on the Simple Machines
Forum board:
Tobias Eigen
Executive Director
Kabissa - Space for Change in Africa
* Kabissa's vision is for a socially, economically, politically, and
environmentally vibrant Africa, supported by a strong network of
effective civil society organizations. *
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