[Mailman-Developers] Disable reponses to the moderation e-mail

Mike Mimic ppagee at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 1 10:58:07 CET 2005


I tried to find a way to disable responses (command
results reponse) to replies which discards hold
message from moderators.

So I checked a code and find in CommandRunner.py in
send_response method:

Safety valve for mail loops with misconfigured email
'bots. We don't respond to commands sent with
"Precedence: bulk|junk|list" unless they explicitly
"X-Ack: yes", but not all mail 'bots are correctly
configured, so we max out the number of responses
we'll give to an address in a single day.

And I tryed this (adding Precedence: list) but
discovered that such reply was simply discarded and
not processed at all. And not (as I hopped) processed
as before, but without a response.

So I checked code a little more and found out that
send_response does not check precedence anywhere and
that _dispose checks it. And if it finds it (without
X-Ack: yes) it discards the command.

I find comment in send_response misleading. But it
would be nice if it worked. So that I can discard
messages from my e-mail client and not getting a
response. I do not like that for every spam I get on
my list Mailman sends me another message. I can check
logs or login through web interface to check if
messages were correctly discarded.

Is there some other way to do this?


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