[Mailman-Developers] suggested improvement for Mailman's bounceprocessing
Mark Sapiro
msapiro at value.net
Tue Aug 1 03:12:30 CEST 2006
Bob Puff wrote:
>Whis may be slightly OT, but I just encountered a major problem with the
>bounce processing on MM 2.16. Had a large list used for monthly
>announcements. I realized that since messages only went out once per month, I
>needed to tighten up the default bounce scoring system, so I set it to remove
>the user after 1 bounce (score of 1.0). The following day, I saw excessive
>CPU load on the box, so I checked into it. It was unsubscribing everyone from
>the list, saying due to a bounce in 2005, they were being unsubscribed!
I guess this is really a bug. It is cron/disabled doing the
Apparently, back in 2005, everyone bounced once and got a score of 1.0,
probably due to some MTA issue. This bounce info is now stale, but
stale info is not discarded until a subsequent bounce is received -
none were received, so no info was reset, or if a bounce was received
more recently, the old info was discarded and replaced with new info,
still with score = 1.0. So everyone on the list except recent members
who never bounced has a score of 1.0.
Then you set the threshold to 1.0 and triggered the code in
cron/disabled which is there for just this case.
The comment in the code is
# Find all the members who are currently bouncing and see if
# they've reached the disable threshold but haven't yet been
# disabled. This is a sweep through the membership catching
# situations where they've bounced a bunch, then the list admin
# lowered the threshold, but we haven't (yet) seen more bounces
# from the member. Note: we won't worry about stale information
# or anything else since the normal bounce processing code will
# handle that.
In your case, the last sentence is the gotcha. It looks like we need to
fix that.
Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net> The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan
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