[Mailman-Developers] On allowing any list member to be an email moderator

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Tue Jan 3 04:21:38 CET 2006

>>>>> "BAW" == Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> writes:

    BAW> One of the problems that I have with the moderation workflow
    BAW> is that I have to log into every list I'm going to moderate,
    BAW> and then that login authentication is lost when I kill my
    BAW> browser.

I simply have a local file that puts each of about 18 (way too many,
but no time to clean up :-( ) XEmacs lists in a separate frame.

I would assume I could use the


form to autologin.  Haven't tried, I'm anal-compulsive about password
protection, and my browser usually lives for a couple months at a time.

    BAW> I find that my typical approach is to scan the summary,
    BAW> opening any potential ham

I assume you mean "ham = on-topic, spam = off-topic, possibly but not
necessarily UCE"?

Our lists don't have a topicality problem, so I don't think I've ever
had need to open a post.  The summary subject invariably shows spam
vs. ham.  Unfortunately, you can't open a subscription request.  I
know, the text doesn't show much in most cases, but we could look for
header forging.  I don't understand why this distinction was made;
would it cost resources to give access to the subscription requests?

My only problem with the current interface form is that the form is a
little too big to be conveniently used in a format of 3 columns of 6
rows of frames.

So from my point of view improving the admin interface is not that

School of Systems and Information Engineering http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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