[Mailman-Developers] Crypto-sign to post

John W. Baxter jwblist3 at olympus.net
Fri Nov 10 01:25:10 CET 2006

On 11/9/06 2:54 AM, "Stefan Schlott" <stefan.schlott at ulm.ccc.de> wrote:

> Another possible problem:

And yet another problem:  the proliferation of different ways to create
signed messages, and recognizing them successfully.

I could sign messages at least three ways just using Apple's Mail.app:
   GPG with a suitable plug-in (what I do) in
     SMIME form
  Whatever is native to Mail.app (involves getting a [free] personal
certificate from Thawte, and putting it into the keychain.  Signing is
automatic at that point).  I don't know what format that produces--I've been
meaning to find out.

(No, you won't find me on the public key servers--we use this inhouse only.)

I think all traces of the signature need to be stripped after it is used for
verification (but I could be wrong).

All that (and the other problems cited in this thread) aside, I advocated
this idea about 5 years ago, and still favor it.


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