[Mailman-Developers] [Mailman-checkins] SF.net SVN: mailman: [8090] trunk/mailman/Mailman

Tokio Kikuchi tkikuchi at is.kochi-u.ac.jp
Mon Nov 13 13:53:52 CET 2006

Hi Barry,
>>> E.g. when I try to use r8090 via the Apache ScriptAlias path, I end
>>> up getting three slashes between the host and the 'mailman' prefix.
>> Oops, I'll try restore ScriptAlias.
> Cool, thanks.  I may commit a few changes in this area, but I'll try  
> not to mess you up too much ;).

I was wrong in writing wsgi_app.py at SCRIPT_NAME CGI environment 
variable.  It was not merely the name of the script but the script path.

Now the script can be accessed by /listinfo, /mailman/listinfo, or even 
/mailman/blah/listinfo etc. etc.  You can now write httpd.conf like so:
ProxyPass /mailman/ http://localhost:2580/mailman/

By this, we can use the same SCRIPT_NAME (or script path) for both wsgi 
backend and apache frontend.  We might be able to get rid of the 
HTTP_REFERER and '../' things from our code but I've only checked in 
thus far.

Please check and test it.

Tokio Kikuchi, tkikuchi at is.kochi-u.ac.jp

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