[Mailman-Developers] Improving the archives

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Sun Jul 8 07:06:02 CEST 2007

On 7/3/07, Terri Oda <terri at zone12.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to remember all the things people have suggested for the
> archives in the past so I can figure out what needs to be done and
> what might be nice to have, and see if this is doable in the time I
> have in the foreseeable future.

At lists.indymedia.org, we use a patch that provides these:

* stable URLs based on a generated message id
* URLs to the archived message in the message headers
* message hiding


It poses a bit of a migration issue since all the existing mboxes may
or may not have the mmid header in them. We worked around that by
having an special place for the old archives.

We've been meaning to move to lurker for years, but haven't had the
human resources and also there were some showstoppers:

* public/private lists - lurker couldn't do that properly when we looked
* lack of date-based index to the archives
* general navigation issues; stuff like linking between current thread
and nearby ones
* mailto links (has now been fixed)
* the migration nightmare

My personal opinion is that pipermail should be removed and mailman
should not contain a default archiver since there are plenty of good
archivers already (lurker, mhonarc etc). Adding wrappers around them
would be simpler than reimplementing them.



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