[Mailman-Developers] before next release: disable backscatter in default installation

Dale Newfield Dale at Newfield.org
Tue Apr 1 19:15:42 CEST 2008

Ian Eiloart wrote:
> Actually, I'm veering towards the notion that we should be creating a 
> climate where the only sensible way to avoid collateral spam is to publish 
> SPF records.

That's not always trivial.  I get plenty of back scatter, and I've tried 
to do this to reduce that, but I've been unable.  My domain is for my 
family, so each person is in a different part of the country using 
numerous paths to send out mail (local ISP, gmail, web-mail through my 
server, a roaming SMTP service, various cell phones, blackberries, 
etc.), so I've not been able to come up with a complete list of what 
machines can send valid mail from my domain.


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