[Mailman-Developers] New unofficial LMTP branch

William Mead william.multimedia at gmail.com
Mon Jul 14 12:03:51 CEST 2008


A new Mailman 3 branch can now be found at
The wiki at http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/MailmanBranches has been
updated with this branch in the unofficial section.

This branch has enhanced LMTP code for Mailman, found in
The LMTP server will reject mail RCPT TO if: (a) the list doesn't exist, or
(b) generic_nonmember_action is set to "reject", and the sender is not a
list member. Emails to sub-addresses of known lists will pass this point.

This code still needs enhancing. We would like your views on how emails
should be processed, depending on the sender's status (member/non-member),
the sub-address in the list address and the non-member filters.

Depending on which sub-addresses are used and if the sender is a known
member or not, emails should be accepted or rejected at RCPT TO.

Should emails from unknown senders with the sub-addresses -leave and
-unsubscribe not pass RCPT TO, seeing as these senders aren't members of any
lists ?

Should emails from unknown senders with the sub-addresses -join and
-subscribe be able to pass RCPT TO so that people can join and subscribe to
mailing lists ?

What should be done with emails from unknown senders with the sub-addresses
-bounces, -owner, -confirm and -request ?

Should all the sub-addresses be accessible by all known members ?

At the moment our code will reject mail from senders who aren't members
if generic_nonmember_action is set to "reject".

Seeing as this code is enhancing the LMTP server how should we handle the
non-member filters ?

Should we keep the current filters ? or would a new mechanism for handling
emails from non members be the best solution ?

William Mead.

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