[Mailman-Developers] Fwd: Fwd: How To change queue process method
Maickel Pandie
maickel.pandie at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 09:25:21 CEST 2008
I have some problem here and I didn't know how to solve it.
I sent 1 message to milis_01 at milis.com (listname) and I record what
Switchboard.files() return to Runner.py:
>From Switchboard.enqueue() and Switchboard.files() I knew that
1213621876.0387881 is the rcvtime
What I asking are:
1. Why the digest (53028ae65697f5b1c06e9cf0f3b04ae1bb2ecfb1,
e7efb136c33f77e0674e03512860aadb23a2d605) are changing for same
2. In Switchboard.files() Can I get listname from the digest/filebase? How?
2008/6/11 Maickel Pandie <maickel.pandie at gmail.com>:
> Ok, many thanks
> I will try to edit switcboard.py first. If there any result I have, I
> will post the result...
> and if I get any problem I will ask for help again :)
> Thanks for your guidance
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>
> Date: 2008/6/10
> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Developers] Fwd: Fwd: How To change queue process method
> To: Maickel Pandie <maickel.pandie at gmail.com>, mailman-developers at python.org
> Maickel Pandie wrote:
>>My MTA is postfix
>>Mark Sapiro wrote: "You could also just stop Mailman, deliver a lot of
>>mail and then start
>>Thanks I will try that
> Also, in the Mailman distribution there is tests/fblast.py which
> delivers lots of mail to Mailman.
>>Question again:
>>1. am I right that all of new email who comes to the server are queued
>>in incoming queue by incomingrunner and the step is like this?
>>"new email"----->Incoming queue----->Outgoing queue----> MTA queue
>> ^ ^ ^
>> Incomingrunner Outgoingrunner ?
> No. New mail is piped by the MTA to the mail/mailman wrapper which
> invokes one of the scripts in the scripts directory to put the message
> in the appropriate queue. Mail to the list posting address invokes the
> scripts/post script which queues the mail in the 'in' queue.
> IncomingRunner processes the 'in' queue and in the normal case will
> queue a message to be archived in the 'archive' queue and a message to
> be delivered in the 'out' queue. ArchRunner processes the 'archive'
> queue and adds messages to the archive. OutgoingRunner processes the
> 'out' queue and delivers messages via SMTP to the MTA.
>>2. in what queue to most posibility a long email queue will happen if
>>I do what Mark Sapiro suggested?
> Messages will be queued in the 'in' queue and will remain there until
> you start IncomingRunner.
>>3. can I maintain what email is thrown first between Incoming queue to
>>Outgoing queue?
> It is strictly FIFO.
>>4. what runner should I edit if I want to make number 3 happen?
> As mentioned before in this thread
> <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-developers/2008-June/020207.html>
> you would not edit a qrunner. You would edit the Switchboard.files()
> method in module Mailman/Queue/Switchboard.py to return the files in
> the order you want.
>>5. am I right that switchboard.py is always use when there are email
>>moving from one queue to another queue to maintain FIFO in all of
>>queue in mailman so if I want to change the FIFO I just have to edit
> Yes. The Switchboard class does all queueing and dequeueing and it is
> the files() method which returns a list of files in a queue in the
> order that they will be processed.
> --
> Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan
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