[Mailman-Developers] positive exit code in case of error?

Mark Hedges hedges at scriptdolphin.com
Mon Feb 8 20:56:54 CET 2010

Hi mailman developers.  Another suggestion, apologies if
this is already implemented in a newer version... if there
is a permission error or other exception thrown which
prevents posting, it would be helpful if the process could
return a non-zero exit code.

When sendmail pipes to the list through /etc/aliases, if
there is a permission problem (like on digest.mbox) the
message just disappears without a trace - no post to the
list, no bounce to the poster, no archive, nothing except
the exception in /var/log/mailman/error and a 'SHUNTING'
message.  (I have some sysadmin scripts that manage
permissions, and there was a bug.)

If a pipe process exits with a positive integer exit code in
case of error, sendmail bounces with "554 Service
Unavailable" and provides useful logging info.  This would
be a lot more informative than having the mail vanish into
thin air.



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