[Mailman-Developers] Mailman/Forge Integration

christian.bayle at orange-ftgroup.com christian.bayle at orange-ftgroup.com
Tue Feb 23 13:40:34 CET 2010

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Feb 11, 2010, at 04:48 PM, christian.bayle at orange-ftgroup.com wrote:
>> We (Coclico-project http://www.coclico-project.org/) have started some 
>> work on a better integration of mailman and forges
> Hi Christian,
> This is really interesting work from a number of perspectives.  You might be
> aware that my day job is working on Launchpad <http://launchpad.net> which is
> a Zope-based open source (AGPL) software hosting service developed by
> Canonical for development of Ubuntu.  As part of that work, I integrated
> Mailman 2.x with Launchpad, and of course all of that code has been released
> as part of Launchpad.
> We did not override Security Manager, since we expose a much simpler (some bug
> reporters would say *too* simple ;) admin interface to Mailman through the
> Launchpad web ui.  We actually don't expose the Mailman web ui at all.  If
> you're interested in more information about what we did, I'd be happy to
> provide it.
Yes would be great, how do you install mailman? do you use debian/ubuntu 
We had a look at mailman 3.0 but as far as we understood it's still 
under development
and there is not yet user interface, but a restfull api.

We didn't find any mailman package, which is the first show stopper, we 
would be interested in testing it/ work on it, as one of my alternate 
identity is bayle at debian dot org.

Any information about 3.0 packaging is welcome ;-)

> (As an aside, I wonder if it would be interesting to find ways for Launchpad
> to exchange information with the forges?)
Launchpad  has many interesting  pieces, that  would probably fit in a 
forge, it has a least the common goal of providing integrated tools for 

One of the Coclico project goal is to facilitate tools integration, and 
especially focus on integration aspects like 
Authentication/Session/Identification/Autorization and of course it 
would be great to be able to share information between Forges and Launchpad.

Concrete use cases are :
- don't recreate users in all tools
- keep session between tools
- common group and autorization between tools, so project manager don't 
have to redo for every tools

> Your patches are to Mailman 2.1, but that version is in maintenance-only mode,
> so we wouldn't be able to apply them to upstream.  Our focus is on Mailman 3
> and I would be really interested in any feedback and experience you might have
> integrating that version with the forges.
We don't have (yet?) but of course we are interested in the fact that 
the work will also be available for next mailman versions.
>> I know there is also some work made to integrate mailman and forge 
>> forums, we would like to deal with too.
> I'm very interested in this work too.
Manuel Vacelet gave some more informations. 

Personnaly I like http://lurker.sourceforge.net/ as a list archiver, and 
I consider that forums/lists/news/blogs are message threads with 
different access, but are mainly of same nature and should probably be 
more or less unified.
>> Our next step is to make mailman a forge plugin to demonstrate how it 
>> could make easier to use mailing lists in forges.
> I intend to work on integrating Mailman 3 with Launchpad sometime in the next
> six months or so (I'm temporarily working on a different project at
> Canonical).  I suspect that the work to do this will have some overlap with
> your work.
Don't hesitate to share info about it, we'll do too if we make some 
progress on this.


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