[Mailman-Developers] password handling in MM3

larryt at winfirst.com larryt at winfirst.com
Sun Jul 11 00:28:59 CEST 2010

Whatever else you do, include OpenID client support.  Look at Armin Ronacher's Flask-OpenID extension for how to do it.  That's just passwd and authentication, of course.  There's still authorization to think through. 


---- Original message ----
>Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 12:11:50 +0200
>From: mailman-developers-bounces+larryt=winfirst.com at python.org (on behalf of Anna Granudd <anna.granudd at gmail.com>)
>Subject: [Mailman-Developers] password handling in MM3  
>To: Mailman-developers <mailman-developers at python.org>
>when subscribing a user or creating a list in Mailman 3.0 we need to
>implement the use of a password for security reasons. Later the same
>password will be used for logging in to the settings pages. At the moment
>passwords are not handled at all which is why I filed bug #600780 (see [1]).
>However, we're not sure how to handle the passwords at the moment and would
>like your help with ideas and possible ways to implement this, which is why
>I want to start a discussion about the password handling/ login function.
>What do we need to think of and how should this best be dealt with?
>[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/mailman/+bug/600780
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