[Mailman-Developers] Trying to install mm 3.0.0b1

Barry Warsaw barry at list.org
Thu Jun 21 18:20:08 CEST 2012

On Jun 21, 2012, at 11:02 AM, Lindsay Haisley wrote:

>The way I switched it on in 2.1.15 was by way of configuration variable
>in mm_cfg.py containing a global AES secret key.  This can be added to
>mm_cfg.py by running a key generation script in the runtime mm bin
>directory.  Absent this variable, the feature is moot since all relevant
>code gets bypassed.

So the mm3 equivalent would probably be a new variable in the [mta] section of
the mailman.cfg file.  Note that the defaults for mailman.cfg live in the
src/mailman/config/schema.cfg file, so that's where you'd add this.  Note too
that these control global system-wide configurations, so if there's any reason
why you'd want to have different keys for different mailing lists, it can't go
there (but I don't see why that would be so I won't describe the alternative).

Also, of course the key will live in plain text in the deployed mailman.cfg
file, but it sounds like that's not a problem.

>One caveat/issue with the work I've done so far is that it requires the
>python-crypto module.  This is no problem on Linux, possibly not on other
>Unix-like OSes, but from what I've read, the module has longstanding issues
>on a Windows platform.  This might be a show-stopper.

Nope, Mailman doesn't officially run on Windows. :)

OTOH, I would make this feature conditional on the module being importable, so
it won't be required even on *nix systems.

>Thanks for the coaching on setting up virtualenv!

No problem, good luck!

Don't forget too, that if you can do IRC and need more real-time feedback, I
usually hang out on freenode's #mailman channel during US/Eastern working
hours.  You need to ping my nick (the always clever and hard to guess 'barry'
:) to get my attention though.


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