[Mailman-Developers] Some Doubts for GSoC Project

Barry Warsaw barry at list.org
Mon Aug 19 20:19:19 CEST 2013

On Aug 18, 2013, at 04:43 PM, Abhilash Raj wrote:

>I had a few doubts regarding the project, I din't see any reply on
>mm-dev so I mailed separately. Firstly what address should be used to
>create the keys for the lists? I was of the opinion that list' posting
>address should be used like 'mailman-developers at python.org' for mm-dev
>list. Steve had opinion that keys should be associated with people
>rather than bots so the address should be '$LIST-owner at fooo' type.
>Any thoughts??

If I read the correct response from Steve, I don't think he was adamant about
it.  He basically said that he associates keys more with people than bots, but
OTOH, -owner isn't really a person.  I don't think using -owner is what folks
would normally expect, so I think the posting address makes the most sense.

(Would it be possible to use the list-id or does it have to be an actual email
address?  list-id is considered more stable than posting address.)

>Also Barry while running tests I see a few tests are failing because now
>simple message will not be able to pass the 'default-posting-chain' and
> 'multipart/signed' is requred. So should I change all the tests?

The test suite is a mess right now.  The latest updates to various zope
libraries have broken things for me.  I am working on a branch to switch to a
standard-ish virtualenv + nose{1,2} setup, which will include ensuring the
test suite works again, at least for SQLite.  Vacation schedules have delayed
this a bit.

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