[Mailman-Developers] OpenPGP Mailman integration discussion [was: Re: GSoc - Requirement from Mentor to complete the project]
Abhilash Raj
raj.abhilash1 at gmail.com
Fri May 24 21:13:46 CEST 2013
On Thursday 23 May 2013 11:56 PM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> On 05/23/2013 12:06 PM, Abhilash Raj wrote:
>> For the encrypted lists yes, the key will be marked as
>> 'encryption capable'. The list owner has to upload the
>> public-private keypair for the list.
>>> [dkg wrote:] ***SIGNED_POSTS***
>>> Might there be a reason for the list to have a keypair
>>> associated with it even for cleartext messages? e.g. might the
>>> list send out signed messages that users might want to verify?
>> Yes I think this would be a good point to include but we cannot
>> make this a default option. We ask the list owner to upload the
>> pub-private keypair for any new list that is created. If he does
>> not want signing of messages he might not want to deal with keys
>> at all?
> sure, but if we introduce this as an option, then we need to make
> sure that we've thought through all the consequences. If the list
> has a key for use with administrative requests (e.g. subscription,
> unsubscription, etc) is that the same key that it would use for
> message signing? or a different key? What are the advantages of
> each scheme? Given that the list administrative requests go to
> different e-mail addresses than the regular posting, how would the
> User ID(s) look on a single key used for both interfaces provided
> by the list?
This part is little difficult to ponder on. Suppose a user signs up
for a list. He creates a user account and subscribes to a particular
list which needs his pub-key and implements signing. Now for that user
his pub-key can be used for sending administrative requests. If he
signs up for more than one list it might be a question which of the
keys will be used for administrative request? If he signs up for a
single list which does not require signing then what? There will not
be any key to sign administrative requests.
> Is implementing this option something that would be part of the
> first phase of the work, or should it be part of a later phase?
This probably would be best implemented in the later phase when the
till_now_proposed architecture of only signed emails from lists is
implemented and is successful.
>>> Well, it could be a replay of an old message from 5 years ago
>>> from another list member. Should it be sent to the list
>>> again?
>> It cannot be from another list member, before posting we check
>> that the key that signed the message belongs to the sender( the
>> address in the "From" header and key are same).
> sure, but the From: header is forgeable, right? so if Alice knows
> that Bob was subscribed to list X in the past, and is subscribed to
> list Y today, then she could dig up his old posts in list X, and
> forward them (From: header intact!) directly to list Y. Should
> list Y publish them?
Well if somehow( 'coz have no idea how ) we can check that this message
was posted anytime before in past on the same list, it would be better
that we simple discard the message.
>> If someone tries to post his own 5yr old message then we should
>> bounce back the message and ask him to resign the message before
>> sending if incase he wants that old message posted. Sounds okay?
> sounds like we agree that a message whose signature is 5 years old
> is "too old" -- what about 1 year old? 1 month old? 1 week? It
> sounds like you're proposing a cutoff somewhere; where is the
> cutoff? is this something that would be adjustable by the list
> admin? if so, what should the default be?
No, I think if someone tries to send any of his previous message again
we can rebound it saying that the same message was posted before.
Also the time-stamp from the message signature would indicate that the
message was indeed signed long time back and hence should be bounced
back without checking if it was a replay of an old message. Here a 'long
time' may be a cutoff set by the list owner which may default to one
week considering the delay in smtp delivery( which you mentioned to be
4 days at maximum).
> (note also that this assumes that the clock on the server is
> aligned with the clock used on the machine where the messages were
> signed; i think this is OK, but maybe there's some scenario where
> it might cause trouble?)
A cutoff of one week should be sufficient to include the small time( at
max a day ) mismatch between the server and the system where message was
signed. In-case the mismatch is more than that we can bounce the message
back asking the sender to either check his clock or resign and send the
>>> it could be a replay of a recent message, which would naturally
>>> use the same signature. But the headers could be modified.
>>> For example, the Message-ID isn't contained in the signature.
>> Is it feasible to check each message against previously posted
>> messages? I mean let's say if the list is 5yrs old then can we
>> check every incoming message against all those previous messages
>> for matching signatures?
> With the appropriate data structures, such a check isn't
> infeasible (e.g. you could maintain a binary tree of the digests of
> all message signatures; then if you have N messages in your
> archive, you have to do log(N) digest comparisons when a new
> message comes it to be sure that it isn't a replay of an old
> message.
> Maybe the mailman devs can answer this question: does mailman
> already do something like this to check against message-ids that
> have already been delivered to prevent duplicate delivery? this
> sounds like a similar problem to me (just with stronger
> cryptographic verifiability in the OpenPGP-signed case); if such a
> system already exists, maybe it could be amended to address these
> issues in the same way.
>> I think we cannot check if a user picks up his own 5yrs old
>> message and sends it after changing the headers.
> remember it's not just the user re-sending their own message -- it
> could be *anyone* re-sending the old message.
I think replay of message should not be allowed at all. Not by the
original sender, not by anyone else, not immediately, not some time
after. We can put it as an option but I can't imagine any situation
where this would be used. Please tell me if you can think of any?
> Note also that the OpenPGP signature itself has a timestamp
> embedded in it, which is not modifiable without invalidating the
> signature. I think you might be assuming that we're checking the
> date of the signature via the (forgeable) Date: header on the
> message; i think it would make more sense to use the OpenPGP
> signature timestamp. What if the signature timestamp and the Date:
> header differ by a few seconds? what if they differ by months?
Is the timestamp in the OpenPGP signature not forgeable? Does it not
depend on the hardware clock of the system where the message was signed?
Although I agree that checking this would be good for filtering the
messages signed long time ago in past and being sent now( considering
that i don't plan and sign many messages by changing my hardware clock
and program it to send it in future as spams. Can we assume this will
not happen? )
>>> What if the message signature has a date that precedes the key
>>> expiry?
>> In this case I think we can keep a threshold for posting. If a
>> message was signed within 2 days of key expiry then it could be
>> allowed for posting. But then the key should have expired also
>> 2-3 days before the message was received.
> where does the 2 day cutoff come from? i'm asking about a timeline
> like this:
> (if < means "is earlier than": X < Y < Z)
> X: message signature created (according to OpenPGP timestamp) Y:
> key expired Z: message received by mailman
Again here the decision should be made by the list owner. It may depend
on what values are for (Y-Z) and (Z-Y). I think we can allow a message
whose signature expired a day before( and the user din't have time to
change the key or extend expiration date ). But this 'one day' parameter
is to be set by the list owner.
> SMTP delivery can take up to 4 days, depending on network and
> machine failures. but my point here is not to build in a fudge
> factor around the actual expiration date (which is explicit and i
> think needs no fudge factor), but rather to point out that the "is
> the message signature expired" calculation has to do with several
> different timestamps and how they relate to each other.
>> My doubt is that how do we actually decide what is the best
>> policy for us to follow? One person may agree to my point, other
>> may not, third may have a different point and so on and so forth.
>> So how do we decide upon one point? Voting?
> This is a good question :)
> I think you should propose a reasonable approach for handling all
> these various corner cases, and where your approach has some
> arbitrary cutoffs (e.g. messages with signatures older than K days
> will not be accepted for delivery), you make the arbitrary cutoff
> tuneable by the list administrator and choose a sensible default.
> Then you solicit and accept patches from people who have a strong
> argument that your implementation isn't aligned with a reasonable
> policy they would like to pursue :)
>>> What kind of messages look like D? where do they come from?
>>> (hint: examine the MIME structure of this message itself)
>> Are you referring to the quoted texts in this message? Those
>> lines are written by me but the application/pgp-signature part
>> only verifies that the new content is written by you. Also after
>> mailman adds headers and footers each of your fresh posts will
>> also look like D to each subscribers. Is this what you wanted me
>> to see?
> yep, mailman generates messages of this form from PGP/MIME-signed
> messages. That said, mailman's generated messages aren't usually
> sent to mailman as input; maybe mailman shouldn't process these as
> signed messages?
What is the structure of message with quoted text( when replying to a
mail inline )? Are those signed by the user replying to it? Because such
kind of message are always received by mailman.
>> I think can use this to filter email commands, the message of
>> type D will not be accepted as a valid email command. About the
>> regular posts considering quoted texts I think we have to allow
>> the message of type D.
> if we allow a message of type D, then Alice could simply find a
> recent PGP/MIME-signed message from Bob (from somewhere else), wrap
> it in a multipart/mixed part, append her own footer to it (part H)
> containing arbitrary text, and send the message on to mailman,
> using a trivially-forged From: Bob header.
Just out of curiosity is the forging of headers a trivial thing? Can I
send a message with some address not owned by me to say this very list
easily? (I don't want to though ,just asking if I can ;-)
> If mailman is willing to replay that message (with alice's
> arbitrary H intact) to all its subscribers, that seems like an easy
> way around the "signed-messages-only" constraint, which seems like
> a failure.
> So what are some other options?
> 0) mailman could ignore all messages except those that are fully
> signed (this is probably the easiest)
The message that we send can be of type D but we should only accept the
messages of type A? I think this the best thing to adopt.
> 1) mailman could strip off all outer layers until it finds an
> inner part that is itself fully signed, and then process that part
> as though it were the entire message
That would add some extra logic and computation for signed components in
a message, maybe not much difficult to implement but more than nothing.
I don't think we should do it, if we are so concerned about security we
can expect the senders to follow the policy( of sending only fully
signed message of kind A)?
> 2) ... other ideas?
>>> And here you've lst me again. the lists's secret key (LK_sec)
>>> is by definition for use in asymmetric cryptographic schemes.
>>> why are you saying "using a symmetric key encryption algorithm"
>>> here?
>> Sorry for this part, actually I was of the opinion that list's
>> secret key can be used in any other encryption also as a key, but
>> guess I am wrong. What my intention was is to to move the message
>> between the queues in encrypted format so as to prevent it from
>> getting stored in the disk( in queue as pickles ) in clear text
>> format. And I wanted to use symmetric algorithm as it is faster
>> than asymmetric and needs only one key( no two like pub and
>> private in asymmetric ) for encryption and decryption. The thing
>> I did wrong was to assume we can use the private key( as it is
>> already stored safely ) for encrypting.
> you can use the public key for encrypting, and the secret key for
> decrypting. that still uses asymmetric encryption, though.
> anyway, this is probably a question for the larger-scope project,
> so we should probably drop it for now to avoid distracting from the
> other matters at hand.
>>> This hand-waves around the difficult question: how do we know
>>> what the user's pub-key is?
>> User uploads his pub-key when he signs up for any such list that
>> forces encryption.
> so anyone can sign up for the list with any key? if the list is
> open for arbitrary, unmoderated subscription, then what does it say
> about the confidentiality of the list? setting aside
> confidentiality (e.g. in the ***SIGNED_POSTS*** limited-scope),
> what does it say about the restrictions the list is able to enforce
> if arbitrary keys can be signed up? If the list admin/moderator
> has to approve new subscriptions, are they also approving the
> choice of keys as well? if so, how do you expect a list moderator
> to tell that the key in question is the right one?
Yes anyone can signup but his subscription will be moderated. I don't
understand here what do you mean by "choice of keys" and what is a
"right" key? I am guessing by right key you mean the key indeed belongs
to the owner of the address the key verifies. But already the
confirmation email is sent to check that the address is indeed owned by
the person before the moderators receive notification to allow the user
to get subscribed.
> What happens if a list member revokes their key, or lets it expire?
> can that member upload a new one? how does the list know that this
> key replacement is legitimate, and not being done by an adversary
> or an impersonator?
>>> Why would mailman *not* check the public keyservers? why
>>> should this be an option?
>> As a user I might not want to use the key I use everywhere to
>> sign the message to a particular list? I guess a keyserver keeps
>> only one key corresponding to one email id?
> ah, this is not the case :) keyservers can store an arbitrary
> number of keys that are (or claim to be) associated with a single
> e-mail address.
So in general terms if I import a key from a public keyserver, I cannot
be sure that the pub-key belongs to owner of the address the key verifies?
I am confused! I can change the "From" header to you email, then I can
upload a key that verifies you address whose private key is with me. I
sign a message and send it to mailman. If we allow the usage of
keyservers how will mailman distinguish that the message was a fake? Why
should we check keyservers by default?
Won't it better that we ask the user to either upload his first key and
later on to add another key a confirmation will be sent to both the new
added address and previous default address and confirmation from both
will be required? It looks messy to me though. :-/
> OpenPGP keyservers are functionally agnostic -- they don't make
> any claims themselves about which keys belong to which e-mail
> addresses (or other forms of user ID). they just publish all the
> keys, and expect their clients to do the verification and
> certification path analysis themselves, based on client-specific
> perspectives on whose certifications are reliable and whose should
> be ignored.
>>> Will that confirmation link be sent in the clear, or will it be
>>> encrypted to the user's public key?
>> Since here we are not dealing with encryption, we can send the
>> link in clear-text message and then expect him to send a signed
>> reply verify the key. Also the key might not be encryption
>> enabled so we can't always encrypt using it.
> does the signed reply need to be of a given form? does it need to
> contain a particular arbitrary string, like the confirmation (e.g.
> like the string in
> example-confirm+8d6e100d2d168ed0837d8d2b2e6e1db2b51b8877 at lists.example.org)?
we can ask the user to simply resend the confirmation message signed
by him? I mean this is what I can think of as the easiest. We can have
anything in the mail sent to him( which will be signed by the secret key
of the list he is subscribing to, so no question of fake acceptance
message sent to the user)
> how can we be sure that the confirmation verification is safe from
> replay attacks (from the perspective of both the subscriber and the
> list administrator)? For example:
> ---------------------- Let's say Alice wants to sign Bob up to a
> list X that Bob would find distasteful to be on.
> Alice creates a phony mailman instance with a list Y that Bob
> *does* want to subscribe to; Bob tries to sign up for list Y,
> expecting a challenge that he will sign and respond to.
> When the request from Bob for List Y comes in, Alice spoofs a
> subscription attempt "From: Bob" to list X, harvests list X's
> (legitimate) challenge to Bob, and has List Y replay it to Bob as
> the challenge for List Y. Bob signs the challenge, returns it to
> list Y (which is still operated secretly by Alice), and Alice in
> turn replays Bob's signed response to list X.
> List X administrators now believe that Bob has legitimately signed
> up. They even have "cryptographic proof" of his intent to
> participate in List X! ----------------------
> How can such a challenge/response system be designed to protect
> both Bob and the List X operators from people like Alice?
The confirmation email received by Bob will be signed by the secret key
of List Y which he gets to download while he was subscribing for the
list. He can check it and will find the signature invalid incase Alice
sends him another message which has confirmation for a list X.
> One other question just occurred to me: Once these features
> (signed-messages-only) are implemented, hould existing
> (non-OpenPGP-enabled) lists be able to be upgraded to use these
> new features? Or is this something that is decided at list
> creation time and never changed? If list upgrading is possible,
> what sort of work needs to be done on an upgrade? Should this be
> part of the first phase of work? Even if not, it's worth keeping
> the possibility of a list upgrade in mind as you're designing the
> data structures and UI/UX adjustments that you want to make.
Yes, the upgrade should be must have feature( in future, not in this
project ). And yes I will keep this in mind while designing the system
and UI that upgrading to signed lists is not much of a hassle.
>> I am really thankful for your questions and suggestions. I tried
>> to answer them with some thought. Please correct me if I am
>> wrong.
> Thanks, I really appreciate your engagement with these questions.
> There are a lot of finicky details to keep track of, and you're
> coming up to speed fast on questions that most people haven't
> thought about at all. Keep it up!
Thanks :)
> Regards,
> --dkg
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