[Mailman-Developers] Git mirror for mailman
Abhilash Raj
raj.abhilash1 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 8 13:53:19 CET 2014
On Saturday 08 March 2014 06:03 PM, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
> Hi,
> * Abhilash Raj <raj.abhilash1 at gmail.com>:
>> Hi Patrick,
> excuse my ignorance: Is Raj your first name or Abhilash?
My First name is Abhilash.
>> On Saturday 08 March 2014 12:37 PM, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
>>> * Abhilash Raj <raj.abhilash1 at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I was in a conversation with Barry yesterday to setup a unofficial git
>>>> mirror for mailman since there are large number of people who use git as
>>>> their primary vcs. I think it would encourage more people to contribute
>>>> to mailman, if not through merge requests on lp, through small patches
>>>> making of which is quite trivial in git I suppose.
>>>> I am willing to maintain the mirror but I need I don't have a private
>>>> server to host it. Anyone has ideas about how to setup? or already has a
>>>> mirror running?
>>> How about this:
>>> <https://project.sys4.de/public/projects/python/mailman>
>>> Pulling should be easy:
>>> git clone https://src.sys4.de/python/mailman.git
>> Thanks for this.
>>> Who will be the maintainer? That/these persons need an account and should
>>> contact me so I can give them access.
>> I am willing to be a maintainer. Also can you tell me how to maintain I
>> haven't maintained a project like this before? Does a cron job needs to
>> setup to pull periodically?
> I will create an account for you and I will send the login data to you
> offlist. Do you PGP or anything alike?
I will send you my public key to you offlist. So I will have to pull
from main repo and push manually? or can we setup a cron job to do that
> As for the workflow: Wars have been waged to etablish the right way [tm] to
> do this. I suggest whatever we do, make it easy to adopt or people will turn
> away because they need to spend too much work on project administration.
> The mailman repo is public. Anyone can pull a copy from it. If they want to
> contribute code/docs/..., they have to submit a merge request at
> <https://project.sys4.de/python/mailman/merge_requests>.
> Then its up to one of the developers to look at the new code and then to
> decide whether it should be merged or not. It's up to a developer or any more
> privileged role to conduct the actual merge.
> As for pulling: To my knowledge it is best practise to pull before you begin
> your work. Of course one should create a branch and work in that, so the code
> won't interfere with other changes, while you work on it.
> p at rick
Abhilash Raj
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