[Mailman-Developers] Approach for making Editable fields in user profile

Ankush Sharma ankush.sharma.ece12 at iitbhu.ac.in
Mon Apr 13 11:48:12 CEST 2015

Hello everyone,

I need to discuss in context with the feature request
https://bugs.launchpad.net/postorius/+bug/1432383. The point is to make the
fields like irc handle, first-name, last-name etc. editable in the user

User registration is currently done using *django-browserid *with the
default *User Model. *There are no schema rules for these *extra *fields in
the *auth_user *table of the underlying Postorius database due to the use
of the default *User Model*.
I am thinking of using a CustomBackend class overriding the
BrowserIdBackend class for adding customisation *[1]*. Also, I think it
would be required to have a *new *User model for these extra fields which
can be used by django-browserid for the initial user registration.
Initially, these *extra *fields can be set to *empty*. Later on, with the
help of an update view users can be asked to update their profiles when
they login. This would require the use of database migrations.
Other option is to use to create an extra table for these fields and for it
the default *User model *would be suffice. In this case, an extra form
would do the job.

I want to ask whether my approach is correct ?
Or it would be more meaningful to take input for these fields during the
first time when the user registers by using Persona ? ( I guess it would
require some ugly tweaks )

Waiting for your opinion on it !

Ankush Sharma
IIT-BHU, Varanasi
*github.com/black-perl <http://github.com/black-perl>*

[1] :

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