[Mailman-Developers] Approach for Post-Throttling
Stephen J. Turnbull
stephen at xemacs.org
Tue Mar 10 06:09:17 CET 2015
Aanand Shekhar Roy writes:
> > I think you should provide an option to just throttle the user on a
> given list, too. >Possibly with different default throttling
> parameters.
> Should I provide an option to combine both of these options into one ? Or
> an option to use any one of the two throttlings?
I haven't thought about that. Anyway, it's your job to do that first,
then the mentors will discuss it in terms of their experience and
implementation knowledge.
> > I don't see why you would have a separate table for messages. Just add
> the post_after_time >attribute to the message's metadata.
> Yes, since we will make changes in the msg metadata so now we will not
> require database 2,
> database 1 will be required for counting post on threads, also,
> whether the threads are same or not will be decided according to
> the subject header. For a subject header "abc" we consider the
> following subjects as the same: Re: abc Fwd: abc abc We will strip
> the prefixes Re, Fwd off before adding them to database 1.
We already have code to do that kind of thing, if not in Mailman 3, in
Mailman 2 (pipermail) and in HyperKitty. Make sure you consider
existing implementations, possibly including those outside of Mailman
if they do a better job.
> Also I had to ask, would it be good if we provide the list-admin
> with an option to bypass this throttling for some people? Like the
> mailman-developers in this case, we may allow few mailman
> developers bypass this throttling effect and those developers will
> be decided by the list-admin.
Don't know. On the developer lists I know of, I would just moderate
abusers and be done with it. Non-core people rarely post enough to
cause issues. Discussion lists are a little bit different but again
in my experience it has never happened that enough people cause
problems that a throttle was useful, anyway. Typically when traffic
gets too large lists split topically.
That doesn't mean that this feature isn't useful, it just means I
can't be very helpful in telling you what the uses are.
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