[Mailman-Developers] Mailman 2.1.23 release and fix for CVE-2016-6893

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sat Aug 27 09:47:35 EDT 2016

I am pleased to announce the release of Mailman 2.1.23.

Python 2.4 is the minimum supported, but Python 2.7 is strongly recommended.

This release contains a fix for CVE-2016-6893 which is also attached
here as a patch.  It also has new features, a few i18n updates and some
bug fixes. See the attached README for details.

Mailman is free software for managing email mailing lists and
e-newsletters. Mailman is used for all the python.org and
SourceForge.net mailing lists, as well as at hundreds of other sites.

For more information, please see our web site at one of:


Mailman 2.1.23 can be downloaded from


Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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Patch for CVE-2016-6893

This will apply with possible minor line number diffs to any Mailman >= 2.1.15

For Mailman < 2.1.15, the required Mailman/CSRFcheck.py module doesn't
exist and other CSRF vulnerabilities exist in the admin UI, so upgrade is

=== modified file 'Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py'
--- Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py	2016-07-14 21:27:49 +0000
+++ Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py	2016-08-23 23:12:05 +0000
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 from Mailman.Cgi import Auth
 from Mailman.htmlformat import *
 from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog
+from Mailman.CSRFcheck import csrf_check
 NL = '\n'
@@ -58,6 +59,9 @@
     ssort = SSENDER
+AUTH_CONTEXTS = (mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin, mm_cfg.AuthSiteAdmin,
+                 mm_cfg.AuthListModerator)

 def helds_by_skey(mlist, ssort=SSENDER):
@@ -135,6 +139,18 @@
         print doc.Format()
+    # CSRF check
+    safe_params = ['adminpw', 'admlogin', 'msgid', 'sender', 'details']
+    params = cgidata.keys()
+    if set(params) - set(safe_params):
+        csrf_checked = csrf_check(mlist, cgidata.getvalue('csrf_token'))
+    else:
+        csrf_checked = True
+    # if password is present, void cookie to force password authentication.
+    if cgidata.getvalue('adminpw'):
+        os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = ''
+        csrf_checked = True
     if not mlist.WebAuthenticate((mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin,
@@ -212,7 +228,11 @@
         elif not details:
             # This is a form submission
             doc.SetTitle(_('%(realname)s Administrative Database Results'))
-            process_form(mlist, doc, cgidata)
+            if csrf_checked:
+                process_form(mlist, doc, cgidata)
+            else:
+                doc.addError(
+                    _('The form lifetime has expired. (request forgery check)'))
         # Now print the results and we're done.  Short circuit for when there
         # are no pending requests, but be sure to save the results!
         admindburl = mlist.GetScriptURL('admindb', absolute=1)
@@ -234,7 +254,7 @@
-        form = Form(admindburl)
+        form = Form(admindburl, mlist=mlist, contexts=AUTH_CONTEXTS)
         # Add the instructions template
         if details == 'instructions':

=== modified file 'Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py'
--- Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py	2016-07-14 21:27:49 +0000
+++ Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py	2016-08-23 23:12:05 +0000
@@ -30,9 +30,12 @@
 from Mailman.Cgi import Auth
 from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog
 from Mailman import i18n
+from Mailman.CSRFcheck import csrf_check
 _ = i18n._
+AUTH_CONTEXTS = (mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin, mm_cfg.AuthSiteAdmin)

 def main():
@@ -104,6 +107,18 @@
         print doc.Format()
+    # CSRF check
+    safe_params = ['VARHELP', 'adminpw', 'admlogin']
+    params = cgidata.keys()
+    if set(params) - set(safe_params):
+        csrf_checked = csrf_check(mlist, cgidata.getvalue('csrf_token'))
+    else:
+        csrf_checked = True
+    # if password is present, void cookie to force password authentication.
+    if cgidata.getvalue('adminpw'):
+        os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = ''
+        csrf_checked = True
     # Editing the html for a list is limited to the list admin and site admin.
     if not mlist.WebAuthenticate((mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin,
@@ -148,7 +163,11 @@
         if cgidata.keys():
-            ChangeHTML(mlist, cgidata, template_name, doc)
+            if csrf_checked:
+                ChangeHTML(mlist, cgidata, template_name, doc)
+            else:
+                doc.addError(
+                  _('The form lifetime has expired. (request forgery check)'))
         FormatHTML(mlist, doc, template_name, template_info)
@@ -167,7 +186,8 @@
     doc.AddItem(FontSize("+1", link))
-    form = Form(mlist.GetScriptURL('edithtml') + '/' + template_name)
+    form = Form(mlist.GetScriptURL('edithtml') + '/' + template_name,
+               mlist=mlist, contexts=AUTH_CONTEXTS)
     text = Utils.maketext(template_name, raw=1, mlist=mlist)
     # MAS: Don't websafe twice.  TextArea does it.
     form.AddItem(TextArea('html_code', text, rows=40, cols=75))

=== modified file 'Mailman/Cgi/options.py'
--- Mailman/Cgi/options.py	2016-07-14 21:27:49 +0000
+++ Mailman/Cgi/options.py	2016-08-23 23:12:05 +0000
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 from Mailman import i18n
 from Mailman.htmlformat import *
 from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog
+from Mailman.CSRFcheck import csrf_check
 OR = '|'
 SLASH = '/'
@@ -51,6 +52,8 @@
     True = 1
     False = 0
+AUTH_CONTEXTS = (mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin, mm_cfg.AuthSiteAdmin,
+                 mm_cfg.AuthListModerator, mm_cfg.AuthUser)

 def main():
@@ -104,6 +107,19 @@
     # The total contents of the user's response
     cgidata = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=1)
+    # CSRF check
+    safe_params = ['displang-button', 'language', 'email', 'password', 'login',
+                   'login-unsub', 'login-remind', 'VARHELP', 'UserOptions']
+    params = cgidata.keys()
+    if set(params) - set(safe_params):
+        csrf_checked = csrf_check(mlist, cgidata.getvalue('csrf_token'))
+    else:
+        csrf_checked = True
+    # if password is present, void cookie to force password authentication.
+    if cgidata.getvalue('password'):
+        os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = ''
+        csrf_checked = True
     # Set the language for the page.  If we're coming from the listinfo cgi,
     # we might have a 'language' key in the cgi data.  That was an explicit
     # preference to view the page in, so we should honor that here.  If that's
@@ -315,6 +331,15 @@
         print doc.Format()
+    # Before going further, get the result of CSRF check and do nothing 
+    # if it has failed.
+    if csrf_checked == False:
+        doc.addError(
+            _('The form lifetime has expired. (request forgery check)'))
+        options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang)
+        print doc.Format()
+        return
     if cgidata.has_key('logout'):
         print mlist.ZapCookie(mm_cfg.AuthUser, user)
         loginpage(mlist, doc, user, language)
@@ -832,7 +857,8 @@
                            _('List my other subscriptions')))
     replacements['<mm-form-start>'] = (
-        mlist.FormatFormStart('options', user))
+        mlist.FormatFormStart('options', user, mlist=mlist, 
+            contexts=AUTH_CONTEXTS, user=user))
     replacements['<mm-user>'] = user
     replacements['<mm-presentable-user>'] = presentable_user
     replacements['<mm-email-my-pw>'] = mlist.FormatButton(

=== modified file 'Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py'
--- Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py	2015-02-13 18:41:28 +0000
+++ Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py	2016-08-23 23:04:58 +0000
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
 from Mailman.i18n import _
+from Mailman.CSRFcheck import csrf_token
 BR = '<br>'
@@ -317,12 +319,17 @@
         return container
-    def FormatFormStart(self, name, extra=''):
+    def FormatFormStart(self, name, extra='',
+                        mlist=None, contexts=None, user=None):
         base_url = self.GetScriptURL(name)
         if extra:
             full_url = "%s/%s" % (base_url, extra)
             full_url = base_url
+        if mlist:
+            return ("""<form method="POST" action="%s">
+<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="%s">""" 
+                % (full_url, csrf_token(mlist, contexts, user)))
         return ('<FORM Method=POST ACTION="%s">' % full_url)
     def FormatArchiveAnchor(self):

=== modified file 'Mailman/htmlformat.py'
--- Mailman/htmlformat.py	2016-07-15 02:10:24 +0000
+++ Mailman/htmlformat.py	2016-08-23 23:20:30 +0000
@@ -407,13 +407,14 @@
 class Form(Container):
     def __init__(self, action='', method='POST', encoding=None, 
-                       mlist=None, contexts=None, *items):
+                       mlist=None, contexts=None, user=None, *items):
         apply(Container.__init__, (self,) +  items)
         self.action = action
         self.method = method
         self.encoding = encoding
         self.mlist = mlist
         self.contexts = contexts
+        self.user = user
     def set_action(self, action):
         self.action = action
@@ -428,7 +429,7 @@
         if self.mlist:
             output = output + \
                 '<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="%s">\n' \
-                % csrf_token(self.mlist, self.contexts)
+                % csrf_token(self.mlist, self.contexts, self.user)
         output = output + Container.Format(self, indent+2)
         output = '%s\n%s</FORM>\n' % (output, spaces)
         return output

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