[Mailman-Developers] [GSoC] Encrypted mailing lists - update v4

Jan Jancar johny at neuromancer.sk
Wed Jun 7 18:45:42 EDT 2017

Hi all,

ad the first ~week of the GSoC period passes I am reporting the current
state of my work, comments appreciated! See below or at:


 GSoC 2017 - About a week in

This week has been quite productive. I started laying the groundwork for
the encrypted lists plugin by making changes from
to different components of both Mailman Core, Mailman-Client and
Postorius. I will describe the MRs and ideas behind them here.

Mailman Core

Move pipelines to their own package and instantiate dynamically

This MR makes Pipelines in Mailman Core work in the same dynamic way as
Handlers, Rules, Chains and other similar Mailman's components work.

Add plugin infrastructure

This MR is the biggest one and certainly the most important one for the
pgpmailman plugin and other potential Mailman plugins. It adds a notion
of a plugin to Mailman Core. To explain what I mean by a plugin, it's
best to look at its example configuration:

    path: example_plugin
    class: example_plugin.plugin.ExamplePlugin
    enable: yes
    configuration: python:example_plugin.config.example

This configuration defines a plugin called example (section name). Which
resides in the example_plugin package with the
example_plugin.plugin.ExamplePlugin class implementing the IPlugin
interface, which I will describe in a moment. This plugin is enabled and
can use the path example_plugin.config.example.cfg to load it's

Alright now what does this actually do / change / provide in Mailman Core?

 - The plugin's path package is searched for pluggable components if the
plugin is enabled and has a non-empty path value. A new function similar
to find_components is introduced and used, find_pluggable_components.
The components are searched for in subpackages named after what is being
searched, common to Mailman Core:

    - example_plugin.rules -> IRule
    - example_plugin.chains -> IChain
    - example_plugin.commands -> IEmailCommand
    - example_plugin.handlers -> IHandler
    - example_plugin.styles -> IStyle
    - example_plugin.pipelines -> IPipeline (after [mailman!287] lands)

 - The plugin's class is instantiated if the plugin is enabled and has a
non-empty class value (and implements the IPlugin interface). The
IPlugin interface has several methods:

    - pre_hook() -> Is called after instantiation but before Mailman's
db initialization, really just moved the existing pre_hook configurable
callable into a plugin infrastructure. Return value unused.

    - post_hook() -> Is called after pre_hook and after initialization
of Mailman's db and other dynamic components such as commands, rules,
handlers... Return value unused.

    - rest_object() -> Is called whenever a REST client calls the
/plugins/<plugin.name>/... route, to obtain an object which will respond
to REST queries for the plugin rooted at aforementioned route. This
method can return None to signify the plugin doesn't want to expose any
REST routes, in which case any calls by clients return 404. Otherwise
the object should use the routing system used by Mailman's REST api
(@child(), on_get and so on).

    - Mailman also sets the name attribute on the plugin object after
instantiation, before pre_hook to the plugin's name in configuration.

 - The plugin can use the path in it's configuration option to load it's
configuration if it needs a config file. The same path resoultion rules
apply as for the archivers configuration.

Add description attribute to styles

Mailing list styles currently have an attribute for name, which for the
default styles is:


Which is not particularly human-readable, well it is, but doesn't look
like something to be shown in a web ui such as Postorius. Mapping these
style names to their descriptions in Postorius is possible, however
since the styles are dynamically found and instantiated, it's not
something practically doable.

So this MR adds a description attribute to IStyle and adds the
appropriate descriptions to the default styles. Also exposes said
description to REST clients.


Add bindings for specifying list style

This MR adds missing access to the lists/styles REST api endpoint and
another argument style_name to the Mailman-Client's create_list call,
which is already recognized in Core and will create a new list with
selected style. This will then be used by Postorius.

Add plugin bindings

This MR depends on
[mailman!288](https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/merge_requests/288) as
it really just exposes the new REST api added with plugins to
Mailman-Client. Since this new api gives plugins control over all the
requests to paths after their root, the api in Mailman-Client can not be
as high-level and abstracted as it is for lists and other core features.
It provides access to plugin's configuration and a Plugin.call(path,
data, method) similar to Connection.call.

Add list style selection to list creation view

This MR depends on
[mailman!289](https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/merge_requests/289). It
adds another field to the list creation form, prompting the user to
select a list style, with the default being pre-selected and list style
descriptions being shown.

   /\  # PGP: 362056ADA8F2F4E421565EF87F4A448FE68F329D
  /__\  # https://neuromancer.sk
 /\  /\  # Eastern Seaboard Phishing Authority
/__\/__\  #

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