[Mailman-i18n] small bug in i18n (checkdbs)

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sun Apr 6 22:27:33 EDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 07:25, Bartosz Sawicki wrote:

> I'm working over polish translation (about 70% done). 

Awesome!  Feel free to send me anything you've got at any time.  You
don't need to wait until you're 100% complete.  We can always install
updates when they're ready, and I'd love to make Polish the 20th
language we support. :)

> Today i've found phrase that could not be translated - maybe there are more
> that this one, but actually i know only one:
> Action: dailly checkdbs run
> Message: reason for pending posts eg. 
>         "Post by non-member to a members-only list"
> In code: bin/checkdbs, line 114, there is:
>        when, sender, subject, reason, text, msgdata = mlist.GetRecord(id)
>        date = time.ctime(when)
>        pending.append(_("""\  
> From: %(sender)s on %(date)s   
> Subject: %(subject)s
> Cause: %(reason)s"""))
> As we see none of "when, sender, subject, reason, text, msgdata" are beeing
> translated. I agree, that translation of sender or subject is unwated, but
> variables 'date' and 'reason' should be translated.
> Does any other noticed this bug? Or maybe i'm wrong ?

It may be a bug, but I'll have to check when I get back online.  Can you
submit a SourceForge bug report on this one please so it doesn't get
lost in my email?

I think the reason should be translated.  Translating the date is much
harder because that's a variable piece of information, and gettext
doesn't really handle such things at all.  I suspect at some point
Mailman will adopt the ICU stuff being developed in Zope3 right now.


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