[Mailman-i18n] pt_PT

Barry A. Warsaw barry at python.org
Sat Jan 18 14:34:43 EST 2003

>>>>> "JPMdA" == Jose Paulo Moitinho de Almeida
>>>>> <moitinho at civil.ist.utl.pt> writes:

    JPMdA> I have been in touch with Joao Sa Marta, who is in charge
    JPMdA> of the pt_PT translation.

    JPMdA> He is very busy for now, not that I am not, but I have
    JPMdA> found some time do a string now and then.

    JPMdA> In fact it is easy as I can base much of my work on pt_BR
    JPMdA> translation. _(Obrigado!)

    JPMdA> I have done 256/1237 messages, 0 templates, so it will take
    JPMdA> some time before it can be used. I am posting this message
    JPMdA> just to avoid someone duplicating my effort, _(mas se
    JPMdA> alguém quiser ajudar, por favor contacte-me para
    JPMdA> coordenarmos esforços).

Great, thanks!  I've added you to the i18n.html file.  Please let us
know when you have something that's ready to be checked in.


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