[Mailman-Users] options not sticking

Ken Manheimer klm at cnri.reston.va.us
Fri Dec 11 00:39:34 CET 1998

On Thu, 10 Dec 1998, Amos Latteier wrote:

> I'm running mailman 1.0b6 on linux. Some users have complained that mailman
> doesn't correctly set their options, when they try to change them by
> sending email.
> [...]
> Any ideas?

Better than that, just yesterday i checked in some changes that fix
these problems.  If you're brave, you can checkout and use the bleeding
edge version of mailman, by virtue of network access to the CVS
repository - see http://www.python.org/listinfo/mailman/mailman-checkins
for instructions.

(It so happens i was tuned into the problems because of the situation of
your particular mailman site - since your subscribers don't have access
to their options via the web, they have to use the mail commands
interface.  A real bind...)

Ken Manheimer		  klm at python.org	    703 620-8990 x268
	    (orporation for National Research |nitiatives

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