[Mailman-Users] Archive Idea

Craig Kelley ink at inconnu.isu.edu
Thu Sep 16 17:21:47 CEST 1999

On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, Tomas Fasth wrote:

> Craig Kelley wrote:
> > If I could say "don't archive messages >30k" it
> > would clear the problem up.
> Why not "strip attachments larger than 30k"?
> There is a need for MIME awareness anyway.

True.  In perl it would be trivial, and I assume the case with python is
the same.  It would, however, slow down the delivery time on mail... But
if it is configurable then it can always be turned off.  How does this

  [radio]     Look for and open multipart-MIME messages
  [input]kb   Do not archive attachments greater than this size
              Do not archive attachments with the following mime-types:
  [text box containing wildcard stuff like application-*]

And heck, it may as well be generalized so that you could perform these
actions on the main list as well (ie, don't send any application-msword
attachments ever)  :)


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