[Mailman-Users] Failure of rmlist command

Paul Flint flintpa at hpo.net
Fri Oct 19 16:44:57 CEST 2001

Ken <klowther at cisnet.com> wrote:
>On Thursday 18 October 2001 08:33 am, Paul Flint wrote:

>> What should I try now?

>I don't have to run the commands in bin through the interpreter with Mandrake 
>8.  Tried just doing ./rmmlist?  If not, maybe I could try sending you my 

Nope. something else is wrong. It is obviously running something because
it gives a traceback (whatever that is). 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "mailman/bin/rmlist", line 44, in ?
    from Mailman import mm_cfg

Is it feasible to remove the list manually until I can figure out the
right way?

Paul Flint
Japanese to English Translation
Kawasaki Japan

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