[Mailman-Users] web server user conflict

Greg Westin greg at gregwestin.com
Mon Aug 26 22:42:47 CEST 2002

I'd noticed that when I create a list from the web, the directory for that
list is owned by 'www' rather than mailman... I didn't check the stuff
inside it at the time, but I have a feeling the files you refer to were
probably also owned by www.

I don't remember any cron job problems, but then again I deleted those
lists pretty quickly, because they were just my attempts to experiment
with virtual domains.

Greg Westin
greg at gregwestin.com

<quote who="Michael Geary">
> Hi folks,
> I sense that this may be a FAQ, but I can't find a clear source of
> information about it.
> I am running mailman with Postfix and Apache. Everything seems to be
> okay. I have created a user and group called "mailman" and changed the
> ownership of everything in the main mailman director
> (/usr/local/mailman) to mailman:mailman.
> However, whenever I use the web-based admin tools, the ownership of
> files:
> -rw-rw----  1 mailman      mailman  4094 Aug 26 14:29 config.db
> -rw-rw----  1 mailman      mailman  4094 Aug 26 14:29 config.db.last
> changes to:
> -rw-rw----  1 www      mailman  4094 Aug 26 14:29 config.db
> -rw-rw----  1 www      mailman  4094 Aug 26 14:29 config.db.last
> and I then get permission errors from the cron job "qrunner" until I
> change permissions back to mailman:mailman.
> I suspect that something needed to be done with the -gid or -uid
> configure options, but the INSTALL notes weren't clear enough for me.
> Could anyone help? Thanks,
> michael geary
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