[Mailman-Users] Multiple filesystems?

David Champion dgc at uchicago.edu
Mon Jun 10 19:39:09 CEST 2002

Our list archives are growing past the point where a single filesystem
will hold it. RAID becomes an option, but I'm curious about ways of
handling this with multiple separate filesystems. This has obvious
advantages for containment of filesystem damage and (certain forms of)
backup, besides better performance under certain usage patterns, and I
tend to favor it as an approach.

Mailman OOB would rather dump all list archives into a single directory.
I suppose that conjuring my own Python code to munge archive_directory,
private_archive_file_dir, and public_archive_file_dir in a list's config
database should get me around this constraint. However, developing a
set of tools for migrating and balancing archive directories, both at
creation time and and later times, is a touch more Python development
than I really want to try at home.

Has anyone else crossed this bridge with some tools that they'd be
willing to share?

At worst, I could write some small programs to tweak the config files,
then call them from another language. But I've found that shelling off
thousands of python interpreters (one per list) gets to be a tiresome
approach, and I'd rather keep it all in-process.

 -D.	dgc at uchicago.edu	NSIT	University of Chicago

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