[Mailman-Users] logging who accesses a private archive?

Vince LaMonica vjl at soceco.uci.edu
Fri Feb 28 20:50:28 CET 2003

Hi all,

Is there anyway to log who logs in when accessing a private archive? 
Looking through my apache access_log file, I can tell what IP/hostname the 
folks who access the private archives are coming from, but other than 
that, I have no further details about the person. Since the authentication 
process doesn't use .htaccess, access_log doesn't contain the 
userid/password of the person logging in.

I checked $prefix/logs and nothing about w3-access was contained in those 
log files.

Any ideas?



Vince LaMonica               UC Irvine,  School  of  Social Ecology
 W3 Developer       <*>      116 Social Ecology I, Irvine, CA 92697
 vjl at uci.edu                  http://www.seweb.uci.edu/techsupport

        "Warning: You are logged into reality as root..."

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