[Mailman-Users] Re: Every day

John Buttery john at io.com
Wed Jan 8 15:58:33 CET 2003

* Ivan Van Laningham <ivanlan at pauahtun.org> [2003-01-08 07:40:45 -0700]:
> You might be right, but I never received those messages until Mailman
> was installed on RH 6.1, and I have continued to receive them daily
> through several changes/upgrades of RH to and including 7.3.  I think
> it's perfectly normal to suspect something that was install the day
> before the messages started.

  You might try running this command:

rpm -qf /etc/cron.daily/tmpwatch 

  That will tell you which package installed that file; that's the one
that's generating the error message, right?

 John Buttery
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