[Mailman-Users] mailman becomes slow

Gerhard den Hollander gerhard at jasongeo.com
Thu Jun 19 10:55:56 CEST 2003

Im not sure what the cause is,
but mailman deliveries have become really slow on my mailman server.

For some reason, it may take a few hours for a mesage to be delivered
through a mailman mailinglist.

I notice that when delivering mail, python eats up a lot of CPU and quite a
chunk of memory

10:55am  up 38 days, 24 min,  2 users,  load average: 2.00, 2.09, 1.97
103 processes: 94 sleeping, 6 running, 3 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  0.6% user,  0.0% system,  0.0% nice,  1.2% idle
Mem:   514244K av,  509828K used,    4416K free,       0K shrd,    5256K buff
Swap: 1028120K av,  225268K used,  802852K free                  122568K cached

22037 root      15   0  276M 276M 52872 R    26.3 54.9   9:15 python

Kind regards,
Gerhard den Hollander                           Phone :+31-10.280.1515
ICT manager                                     Direct:+31-10.280.1539 
Jason Geosystems BV                             Fax   :+31-10.280.1511 
gdenhollander at jasongeo.com                      POBox 1573
visit us at http://www.jasongeo.com             3000 BN Rotterdam  
JASON.......#1 in Reservoir Characterization    The Netherlands
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