[Mailman-Users] KNOWN_SPAMMERS doesn't have any effect

Thanh Nguyen tvn at ajile.com
Mon Nov 17 20:53:28 CET 2003

I am using Mailman 2.1.3 and have set up Spam Assassin to flag spam
mail with header "X-Spam-Flag: YES".

I tried to follow Todd's message in


and have added this line

KNOWN_SPAMMERS = [('X-Spam-Flag','YES')]

to the mm_cfg.py in the hope that these messages would be discarded.
However, I don't see any changes in the behavior nor any mailman
error reports on the effects of this setting. The spam messages with
the header indicated about still go through without any effect. Is
there something else that I should do to automatically discard flagged


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