[Mailman-Users] Sendmail Milter subsystem telling sendmail todiscard Mailman digests

Jeff Groves jgroves at krenim.org
Wed Feb 2 16:30:26 CET 2005

Brad Knowles wrote:
> At 10:36 PM -0500 2005-02-01, Jeff Groves wrote:
>>  Having never coded in Python before and never submitted a diff before,
>>  please bear with me if I overkilled something!
>     It's easier to apply something like this as a patch if the 
> information is supplied as a "context diff".  Try using "diff -c" 
> between the two files.
>     Otherwsise, people have to figure out what has to get cut-n-pasted 
> where.

Let's see how this does...

*** ToDigest.py.20050201	Tue Feb  1 20:11:55 2005
--- ToOutgoing.py	Sun Aug  4 11:15:44 2002
*** 1,395 ****
! # Copyright (C) 1998-2003 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
! #
   # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   # GNU General Public License for more details.
! #
   # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

! """Add the message to the list's current digest and possibly send it.
! """
! # Messages are accumulated to a Unix mailbox compatible file containing all
! # the messages destined for the digest.  This file must be parsable by the
! # mailbox.UnixMailbox class (i.e. it must be ^From_ quoted).
! #
! # When the file reaches the size threshold, it is moved to the qfiles/digest
! # directory and the DigestRunner will craft the MIME, rfc1153, and
! # (eventually) URL-subject linked digests from the mbox.
! import os
! import re
! import copy
! import time
! from types import ListType
! from cStringIO import StringIO

! from email.Parser import Parser
! from email.Generator import Generator
! from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
! from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
! from email.MIMEMessage import MIMEMessage
! from email.Utils import getaddresses
! from email.Header import decode_header, make_header, Header

   from Mailman import mm_cfg
- from Mailman import Utils
- from Mailman import Message
- from Mailman import i18n
- from Mailman import Errors
- from Mailman.Mailbox import Mailbox
- from Mailman.MemberAdaptor import ENABLED
- from Mailman.Handlers.Decorate import decorate
   from Mailman.Queue.sbcache import get_switchboard
- from Mailman.Mailbox import Mailbox
- from Mailman.Handlers.Scrubber import process as scrubber
- from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog
- _ = i18n._
- try:
-     True, False
- except NameError:
-     True = 1
-     False = 0

   def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
!     # Short circuit non-digestable lists.
!     if not mlist.digestable or msgdata.get('isdigest'):
!         return
!     mboxfile = os.path.join(mlist.fullpath(), 'digest.mbox')
!     omask = os.umask(007)
!     try:
!         mboxfp = open(mboxfile, 'a+')
!     finally:
!         os.umask(omask)
!     mbox = Mailbox(mboxfp)
!     mbox.AppendMessage(msg)
!     # Calculate the current size of the accumulation file.  This will not tell
!     # us exactly how big the MIME, rfc1153, or any other generated digest
!     # message will be, but it's the most easily available metric to decide
!     # whether the size threshold has been reached.
!     mboxfp.flush()
!     size = os.path.getsize(mboxfile)
!     if size / 1024.0 >= mlist.digest_size_threshhold:
!         # This is a bit of a kludge to get the mbox file moved to the digest
!         # queue directory.
!         mboxfp.seek(0)
!         send_digests(mlist, mboxfp)
!         os.unlink(mboxfile)
!     mboxfp.close()
! def send_digests(mlist, mboxfp):
!     # Set the digest volume and time
!     if mlist.digest_last_sent_at:
!         bump = False
!         # See if we should bump the digest volume number
!         timetup = time.localtime(mlist.digest_last_sent_at)
!         now = time.localtime(time.time())
!         freq = mlist.digest_volume_frequency
!         if freq == 0 and timetup[0] < now[0]:
!             # Yearly
!             bump = True
!         elif freq == 1 and timetup[1] <> now[1]:
!             # Monthly, but we take a cheap way to calculate this.  We assume
!             # that the clock isn't going to be reset backwards.
!             bump = True
!         elif freq == 2 and (timetup[1] % 4 <> now[1] % 4):
!             # Quarterly, same caveat
!             bump = True
!         elif freq == 3:
!             # Once again, take a cheap way of calculating this
!             weeknum_last = int(time.strftime('%W', timetup))
!             weeknum_now = int(time.strftime('%W', now))
!             if weeknum_now > weeknum_last or timetup[0] > now[0]:
!                 bump = True
!         elif freq == 4 and timetup[7] <> now[7]:
!             # Daily
!             bump = True
!         if bump:
!             mlist.bump_digest_volume()
!     mlist.digest_last_sent_at = time.time()
!     # Wrapper around actually digest crafter to set up the language context
!     # properly.  All digests are translated to the list's preferred language.
!     otranslation = i18n.get_translation()
!     i18n.set_language(mlist.preferred_language)
!     try:
!         send_i18n_digests(mlist, mboxfp)
!     finally:
!         i18n.set_translation(otranslation)
! def send_i18n_digests(mlist, mboxfp):
!     mbox = Mailbox(mboxfp)
!     # Prepare common information
!     lang = mlist.preferred_language
!     lcset = Utils.GetCharSet(lang)
!     realname = mlist.real_name
!     volume = mlist.volume
!     issue = mlist.next_digest_number
!     digestid = _('%(realname)s Digest, Vol %(volume)d, Issue %(issue)d')
!     digestsubj = Header(digestid, lcset, header_name='Subject')
!     # Set things up for the MIME digest.  Only headers not added by
!     # CookHeaders need be added here.
!     mimemsg = Message.Message()
!     mimemsg['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/mixed'
!     mimemsg['MIME-Version'] = '1.0'
!     mimemsg['From'] = mlist.GetRequestEmail()
!     mimemsg['Subject'] = digestsubj
!     mimemsg['To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
!     mimemsg['Reply-To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
!     # Set things up for the rfc1153 digest
!     plainmsg = StringIO()
!     rfc1153msg = Message.Message()
!     rfc1153msg['From'] = mlist.GetRequestEmail()
!     rfc1153msg['Subject'] = digestsubj
!     rfc1153msg['To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
!     rfc1153msg['Reply-To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
!     separator70 = '-' * 70
!     separator30 = '-' * 30
!     # In the rfc1153 digest, the masthead contains the digest boilerplate plus
!     # any digest header.  In the MIME digests, the masthead and digest header
!     # are separate MIME subobjects.  In either case, it's the first thing in
!     # the digest, and we can calculate it now, so go ahead and add it now.
!     mastheadtxt = Utils.maketext(
!         'masthead.txt',
!         {'real_name' :        mlist.real_name,
!          'got_list_email':    mlist.GetListEmail(),
!          'got_listinfo_url':  mlist.GetScriptURL('listinfo', absolute=1),
!          'got_request_email': mlist.GetRequestEmail(),
!          'got_owner_email':   mlist.GetOwnerEmail(),
!          }, mlist=mlist)
!     # MIME
!     masthead = MIMEText(mastheadtxt, _charset=lcset)
!     masthead['Content-Description'] = digestid
!     mimemsg.attach(masthead)
!     # RFC 1153
!     print >> plainmsg, mastheadtxt
!     print >> plainmsg
!     # Now add the optional digest header
!     if mlist.digest_header:
!         headertxt = decorate(mlist, mlist.digest_header, _('digest header'))
!         # MIME
!         header = MIMEText(headertxt, _charset=lcset)
!         header['Content-Description'] = _('Digest Header')
!         mimemsg.attach(header)
!         # RFC 1153
!         print >> plainmsg, headertxt
!         print >> plainmsg
!     # Now we have to cruise through all the messages accumulated in the
!     # mailbox file.  We can't add these messages to the plainmsg and mimemsg
!     # yet, because we first have to calculate the table of contents
!     # (i.e. grok out all the Subjects).  Store the messages in a list until
!     # we're ready for them.
!     # Meanwhile prepare things for the table of contents
!     toc = StringIO()
!     print >> toc, _("Today's Topics:\n")
!     # Now cruise through all the messages in the mailbox of digest messages,
!     # building the MIME payload and core of the RFC 1153 digest.  We'll also
!     # accumulate Subject: headers and authors for the table-of-contents.
!     messages = []
!     msgcount = 0
!     msg = mbox.next()
!     while msg is not None:
!         if msg == '':
!             # It was an unparseable message
!             msg = mbox.next()
!         msgcount += 1
!         messages.append(msg)
!         # Get the Subject header
!         msgsubj = msg.get('subject', _('(no subject)'))
!         subject = oneline(msgsubj, lcset)
!         # Don't include the redundant subject prefix in the toc
!         mo = re.match('(re:? *)?(%s)' % re.escape(mlist.subject_prefix),
!                       subject, re.IGNORECASE)
!         if mo:
!             subject = subject[:mo.start(2)] + subject[mo.end(2):]
!         username = ''
!         addresses = getaddresses([oneline(msg.get('from', ''), lcset)])
!         # Take only the first author we find
!         if isinstance(addresses, ListType) and addresses:
!             username = addresses[0][0]
!             if not username:
!                 username = addresses[0][1]
!         if username:
!             username = ' (%s)' % username
!         # Put count and Wrap the toc subject line
!         wrapped = Utils.wrap('%2d. %s' % (msgcount, subject), 65)
!         slines = wrapped.split('\n')
!         # See if the user's name can fit on the last line
!         if len(slines[-1]) + len(username) > 70:
!             slines.append(username)
!         else:
!             slines[-1] += username
!         # Add this subject to the accumulating topics
!         first = True
!         for line in slines:
!             if first:
!                 print >> toc, ' ', line
!                 first = False
!             else:
!                 print >> toc, '     ', line.lstrip()
!         # We do not want all the headers of the original message to leak
!         # through in the digest messages.  For this phase, we'll leave the
!         # same set of headers in both digests, i.e. those required in RFC 1153
!         # plus a couple of other useful ones.  We also need to reorder the
!         # headers according to RFC 1153.  Later, we'll strip out headers for
!         # for the specific MIME or plain digests.
!         keeper = {}
!         all_keepers = {}
!         for header in (mm_cfg.MIME_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS +
!                        mm_cfg.PLAIN_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS):
!             all_keepers[header] = True
!         all_keepers = all_keepers.keys()
!         for keep in all_keepers:
!             keeper[keep] = msg.get_all(keep, [])
!         # Now remove all unkempt headers :)
!         for header in msg.keys():
!             del msg[header]
!         # And add back the kept header in the RFC 1153 designated order
!         for keep in all_keepers:
!             for field in keeper[keep]:
!                 msg[keep] = field
!         # And a bit of extra stuff
!         msg['Message'] = `msgcount`
!         # Get the next message in the digest mailbox
!         msg = mbox.next()
!     # Now we're finished with all the messages in the digest.  First do some
!     # sanity checking and then on to adding the toc.
!     if msgcount == 0:
!         # Why did we even get here?
!         return
!     toctext = toc.getvalue()
!     # MIME
!     tocpart = MIMEText(toctext, _charset=lcset)
!     tocpart['Content-Description']= _("Today's Topics (%(msgcount)d messages)")
!     mimemsg.attach(tocpart)
!     # RFC 1153
!     print >> plainmsg, toctext
!     print >> plainmsg
!     # For RFC 1153 digests, we now need the standard separator
!     print >> plainmsg, separator70
!     print >> plainmsg
!     # Now go through and add each message
!     mimedigest = MIMEBase('multipart', 'digest')
!     mimemsg.attach(mimedigest)
!     first = True
!     for msg in messages:
!         # MIME.  Make a copy of the message object since the rfc1153
!         # processing scrubs out attachments.
!         mimedigest.attach(MIMEMessage(copy.deepcopy(msg)))
!         # rfc1153
!         if first:
!             first = False
!         else:
!             print >> plainmsg, separator30
!             print >> plainmsg
!         # Use Mailman.Handlers.Scrubber.process() to get plain text
!         try:
!             msg = scrubber(mlist, msg)
!         except Errors.DiscardMessage:
!             print >> plainmsg, _('[Message discarded by content filter]')
!             continue
!         # Honor the default setting
!         for h in mm_cfg.PLAIN_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS:
!             if msg[h]:
!                 uh = Utils.wrap('%s: %s' % (h, oneline(msg[h], lcset)))
!                 uh = '\n\t'.join(uh.split('\n'))
!                 print >> plainmsg, uh
!         print >> plainmsg
!         payload = msg.get_payload(decode=True)
!         print >> plainmsg, payload
!         if not payload.endswith('\n'):
!             print >> plainmsg
!     # Now add the footer
!     if mlist.digest_footer:
!         footertxt = decorate(mlist, mlist.digest_footer, _('digest footer'))
!         # MIME
!         footer = MIMEText(footertxt, _charset=lcset)
!         footer['Content-Description'] = _('Digest Footer')
!         mimemsg.attach(footer)
!         # RFC 1153
!         # BAW: This is not strictly conformant RFC 1153.  The trailer is only
!         # supposed to contain two lines, i.e. the "End of ... Digest" line and
!         # the row of asterisks.  If this screws up MUAs, the solution is to
!         # add the footer as the last message in the RFC 1153 digest.  I just
!         # hate the way that VM does that and I think it's confusing to users,
!         # so don't do it unless there's a clamor.
!         print >> plainmsg, separator30
!         print >> plainmsg
!         print >> plainmsg, footertxt
!         print >> plainmsg
!     # Do the last bit of stuff for each digest type
!     signoff = _('End of ') + digestid
!     # MIME
!     # BAW: This stuff is outside the normal MIME goo, and it's what the old
!     # MIME digester did.  No one seemed to complain, probably because you
!     # won't see it in an MUA that can't display the raw message.  We've never
!     # got complaints before, but if we do, just wax this.  It's primarily
!     # included for (marginally useful) backwards compatibility.
!     mimemsg.postamble = signoff
!     # rfc1153
!     print >> plainmsg, signoff
!     print >> plainmsg, '*' * len(signoff)
!     # Do our final bit of housekeeping, and then send each message to the
!     # outgoing queue for delivery.
!     mlist.next_digest_number += 1
!     virginq = get_switchboard(mm_cfg.VIRGINQUEUE_DIR)
!     # Calculate the recipients lists
!     plainrecips = []
!     mimerecips = []
!     drecips = mlist.getDigestMemberKeys() + mlist.one_last_digest.keys()
!     for user in mlist.getMemberCPAddresses(drecips):
!         # user might be None if someone who toggled off digest delivery
!         # subsequently unsubscribed from the mailing list.  Also, filter out
!         # folks who have disabled delivery.
!         if user is None or mlist.getDeliveryStatus(user) <> ENABLED:
!             continue
!         # Otherwise, decide whether they get MIME or RFC 1153 digests
!         if mlist.getMemberOption(user, mm_cfg.DisableMime):
!             plainrecips.append(user)
!         else:
!             mimerecips.append(user)
!     # Zap this since we're now delivering the last digest to these folks.
!     mlist.one_last_digest.clear()
!     # MIME
!     virginq.enqueue(mimemsg,
!                     recips=mimerecips,
!                     listname=mlist.internal_name(),
!                     isdigest=True)
!     # RFC 1153
!     rfc1153msg.set_payload(plainmsg.getvalue(), lcset)
!     virginq.enqueue(rfc1153msg,
!                     recips=plainrecips,
!                     listname=mlist.internal_name(),
!                     isdigest=True)
! def oneline(s, cset):
!     # Decode header string in one line and convert into specified charset
!     try:
!         h = make_header(decode_header(s))
!         ustr = h.__unicode__()
!         oneline = UEMPTYSTRING.join(ustr.splitlines())
!         return oneline.encode(cset, 'replace')
!     except (LookupError, UnicodeError):
!         # possibly charset problem. return with undecoded string in one line.
!         return EMPTYSTRING.join(s.splitlines())
--- 1,55 ----
! # Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
! #
   # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   # GNU General Public License for more details.
! #
   # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

! """Re-queue the message to the outgoing queue.

! This module is only for use by the IncomingRunner for delivering messages
! posted to the list membership.  Anything else that needs to go out to some
! recipient should just be placed in the out queue directly.
! """

   from Mailman import mm_cfg
   from Mailman.Queue.sbcache import get_switchboard

   def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
!     interval = mm_cfg.VERP_DELIVERY_INTERVAL
!     # Should we VERP this message?  If personalization is enabled for this
!     # list and VERP_PERSONALIZED_DELIVERIES is true, then yes we VERP it.
!     # Also, if personalization is /not/ enabled, but VERP_DELIVERY_INTERVAL is
!     # set (and we've hit this interval), then again, this message should be
!     # VERPed. Otherwise, no.
!     # Note that the verp flag may already be set, e.g. by mailpasswds using
!     # VERP_PASSWORD_REMINDERS.  Preserve any existing verp flag.
!     if msgdata.has_key('verp'):
!         pass
!     elif mlist.personalize:
!             msgdata['verp'] = 1
!     elif interval == 0:
!         # Never VERP
!         pass
!     elif interval == 1:
!         # VERP every time
!         msgdata['verp'] = 1
!     else:
!         # VERP every `inteval' number of times
!         msgdata['verp'] = not int(mlist.post_id) % interval
!     # And now drop the message in qfiles/out
!     outq = get_switchboard(mm_cfg.OUTQUEUE_DIR)
!     outq.enqueue(msg, msgdata, listname=mlist.internal_name())

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